Make the following selections from the menu to display this page:
Inventory—Transactions—Physical Counts
Use this Physical Counts to enter inventory counts that are used to reconcile inventory physically on hand with inventory as recorded in the Warehouse.
Field List
Add Physical Count
Use this button to add a Physical Count record.
Clicking on a column label allows you to sort the grid by that column.
Filter Buttons
in column headers allow you to change what appears in
the grid.
Grid pagination controls at the bottom of the grid can help you to locate a Receipt.
Physical Count ID
The Physical Count identification that appears on lists and in reports.
Document ID
The user-defined identification of the document used to identify the record.
Warehouse ID
The identification for the Warehouse that contains the inventory being counted.
The user-defined description for the Physical Count. Examples: Northside Complex A Warehouse, Regional Warehouse East.
The date of the transaction.
Use the Delete icon to delete a Physical Count.
Document ID
The document ID, which is used to identify the record. This is the invoice number, receiving document number, or other relevant number to be used for tracking and identification for the batch
Click in the field to enter or edit the ID.
Warehouse ID
The Warehouse identification that appears on lists and in reports.
To add or edit the Warehouse ID, click the Lookup
icon to display the Select Warehouse pop-up and select a Warehouse.
Accounting Date
The Accounting Date defaults in from the login date. This field is editable.
Click in the field and use the electronic calendar to change the date.
Post to GL (check box)
Checked (default) - Batch transactions to the General Ledger are created.
Unchecked - No batch transactions are created. Only the counts on the warehouse items are updated. This option is used to add the balance forward inventory quantity without adjusting the General Ledger.
This can be used for beginning balances because it allows you to define the quantity of items on-hand before you begin processing inventory. You can use this option to balance pre-existing General Ledger inventory asset accounts with the inventory on-hand quantities. You can also use Upload Data to add beginning balances.
Click Calculate to enter a quantity in up to three different units of measure: Issue, Store, or Order. The Calculate button shows only when there are different units of measure for the Item in the Item Master General Tab for the Warehouse Item.
Item ID
The read-only Item ID.
If the system On Hand count is different from the Inventory Physical Count then you can make corrections by entering the Physical Count amount in the Quantity field. The system quantity includes items available and items on reserve. Enter the actual quantity for the item.
Enter Quantity
The quantity for the Warehouse Item is updated when the Enter Quantity field is completed.
Enter a quantity for the Warehouse Item for each unit of measure that appears. These fields appear as applicable, when there are two or three different units of measure.
Issue (for example pallet)
Store (for example cart)
Order (for example, box)
Stored Units per Order Unit (for example, 100)
Issued Units per Store Unit (for example, 10)
When done entering values in the Enter Quantity fields, click Save.
Click Done when finished entering data. The record saves and you are returned to the grid. The batch is not processed until you click Apply Physical Count.
Apply Physical Count
Click Apply Physical Count and when you confirm, the process automatically creates appropriate inventory receipt and/or credit transactions, puts them into a new batch, and approves the batch. This process cannot be reversed.
At the confirmation message, click OK to continue with the posting process, or click Cancel.
NOTE that when a value is entered in Qty Counted, then the Qty Adjusted field is updated. Unit Cost defaults in but is editable.
Seq No
The system-generated sequential number associated with the line items that make up the transaction.
Item ID
The read-only Item ID defaults in from Warehouse.
The read-only Description for the Item defaults in from Warehouse.
The read-only Bin (if any) in the Warehouse for the Item defaults in from Warehouse.
The read-only Unit of Measure for the Item defaults in from Warehouse. This is the Warehouse Item's lowest unit of measure.
Original Qty
The read only Quantity on Hand for the Item from the Warehouse.
Qty Counted
Enter or edit the quantity of the Warehouse Item that was counted. Any Qty Counted value that has been entered is saved.
Qty Adjusted
The difference between Original Qty and Qty Counted. After first selecting a Warehouse, this field is blank.
The value in this field is calculated by the system and determines the quantity on the receipt/credit.
Unit Cost
The unit cost of the Warehouse Item. Unit cost is the unit cost on the receipt/credit; this defaults in from Warehouse Item and can be 0.00. Unit Cost is editable.
NOTE that after closing and going back in as Edit:
Additional Information
Warehouse ID must exist and cannot already be associated with an open Physical Count.
Inventory beginning balances can be entered using:
When a Warehouse Item has an Overhead Percentage specified, in addition to the debits to the inventory asset expense code and the credit to the inventory liability expense code, there is a credit to the inventory overhead expense code. The amount is included in the inventory asset expense code for valuation purposes.
The valuation report includes the overhead percentage in unit cost.For example, the Warehouse Item has a unit cost of $10.75 and an overhead percentage of 10%.On the Valuation Report, the last receipt would use the valuation unit cost of $11.825 (current unit cost of $10.75 + $1.075 (10% overhead percentage of the unit cost).
Inventory Valuation
Basic Inventory License
For a Basic Inventory License, results will be the same as when the Post to GL option is not selected on the Physical Count.
See Also
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