Make the following menu selections to display this grid:
Setup—Global Setup—Item Master
Use this grid to manage the setup of Inventory Items, i.e., to create or modify an item's master record.
When you select an item from the grid to add or edit, the General and User Fields tabs appear. Use these tabs to add or edit the descriptive and user-defined information for the item.
If you have the "Lite" version of Inventory, valuation is not included; therefore, valuation options do not show in the General Tab.
The following fields and buttons appear on the grid that appears when you select the menu option. Complete or edit the option, as appropriate.
Add Item (button)
Click the button to add a new Item. The General Tab and User Fields Tab display. Complete them to add a new Item. Refer to instructions later in this topic for information on how to add an Item.
To change what you see in the grid, for some columns you can do the following.
Click the column title to sort the list.
Click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.
Item ID
The Item identification that appears on lists and in reports.
Click the Item ID link to display the General Tab and the User Fields Tabs to view or edit Item information.
The description of the Item that appears on lists and in reports. .
Part Number
The part number for the Item that appears on lists and in reports.
The class for the Item that appears on lists and in reports. .
The manufacturer of the Item as it appears on lists and in reports.
One of the following icons appears in this column:
No documents are currently
stored for the Item. Click the icon to upload documents for the Item.
At least one document
is currently stored for the Item. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon to
see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or delete
For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.
Use the Delete button to delete a Item. Only Items with no transactions have the Delete icon available.
If any transactions have been tied to the Item, the delete icon does not appear. To delete these Items, use the Delete Items functionality.
General Tab
NOTE that a red dot
indicates a required field or
Add or edit the general information about the Item.
Item ID
The Item identification that appears on lists and in reports.
The Item ID can be up to 10 characters in length.
The description of the Item that appears on lists and in reports.
The description can be up to 255 characters long.
The class for the Item that appears on lists and in reports.
Click the Lookup
icon to display the Select
pop-up and select a Class.
The Subclass for the Item that appears on lists and in reports.
Click the Lookup
icon to display the Select
pop-up and select a Subclass.
The manufacturer of the Item as it appears on lists and in reports.
Click the Lookup
icon to display the Select
pop-up and select a Manufacturer.
The name of the product as it appears on lists and in reports.
Click in the field and add or edit an alphanumeric product label.
Part Number
The part number for the Item that appears on lists and in reports.
The part number can be up to 40 characters long.
Substitute Item
The substitute item for the Item that appears on lists and in reports.
Click the Lookup
icon to display the Select
pop-up and select an Item.
The bin number that shows the location in the warehouse for the Item.
The bin number can be up to 10 characters long.
Overhead Percentage
The overhead percentage for this item in the format 0.0000.
Last Cost / Price Change (date field)
Click in the field and use the Electronic Calendarto select the date of the last cost or price change.
User Code 1 - 3
The User Code for the Item that appears on lists and in reports.
Click the Lookup
icon to display the Select
pop-up and select a User Code.
Add or edit the general information about the way units are measured for the Item in the next sections:
UOM Information, Reorder Information, Costing Information, Create Warehouse Records for (in Add mode only), and Serialized.
Notes regarding Issue, Store, and Order
If Issue, Store, and Order units of measure are all the same, then the Issue Per Store and Store Per Order are automatically set to 1.
If Issue and Store units of measure are different, then Order must be different from Issue.
The quantity of distribution units found in one storage unit. This is how the unit is issued. For example, ea for "Each."
The unit of measure that is used for storage of this item in the warehouse. Can be the same as the Issue unit of measure. This is how the unit is stored.
The number of storage units found in one order unit. This is how the unit is ordered.
Stored Units Per Order Unit
How many units are stored per unit that is ordered.
Issue Units per Store Unit
How many units are issued per unit that is stored.
Reorder Point
The unit quantity that indicates that the quantity of an item has reached a level designated for reordering. In other words, the point at which the Item should be reordered. This defaults to zero days.
Economic Reorder Point
The reorder quantity (in units) that has been specified as the most economical to make for a purchase. In other words, the point at which the Item should be reordered. This defaults to zero days.
Lead Time in Days
The number of days that it usually takes for the item to be received after an order has been placed. In other words, the number of days lead time that is needed to reorder the Item. This defaults to zero days.
Standard Unit Cost
The standard unit cost for the Item. The default is 0.000.
Click in the field and type a value.
Unit Price
The amount to charge for each inventory unit. This is the billing amount that can be used in billing. In other words, the unit price for the Item. The default is 0.000.
Click in the field and type a value.
You can have Warehouse Items automatically created by the system using the Create Warehouse Records for option, which appears in Add mode only. Use this option when you want an Item created in warehouses that has the same values you are currently entering for the Item master record. The item is created for the warehouses upon save.
This is the default. When this option is selected, no warehouse records are automatically created when the Item master record is saved.
Select this option to create warehouse records automatically, upon save, based on the Item master record that you are entering, but only for warehouses that you select.
When you select this option, the Select Warehouses button appears. Click the Select Warehouses button to display the Select pop-up and then select an one or more warehouses for which to create warehouse records when the Item master record is saved.
Use this option only when you want the Item created with the same values you are entering on the Item master record.
Select this option to automatically create a Warehouse Item record for all warehouses automatically, upon save, based on the Item master record that you are entering.
Use this option only when you want the Item created for all warehouses with the same values you are entering on the Item master record.
Serialized (check box)
Check the box and the Item is serialized, meaning a serial number can be recorded for it. This is most commonly used on high-value goods for more precise tracking or for warranty claims.
User Fields Tab
Use the User Fields Tab to enter additional information about the item.
Additional Information
The EntityCompany Policy Group settings in eFinancials for Post to closed Jobs - Inventory Entry and Post to non-existent Phase and Cost Codes - Inventory Entry are checked by the system (allow, not allow, and allow with warning).
Permissions must be set in the System module to access the Item Master menu item. Separate add, edit and delete permissions are available.
System module—Security—Users—Inventory—Setup—Global Setup—Item Master
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