Lien Waivers

Make the following menu selections to display this grid:

Job Cost—Job Costing—Lien Waivers

Use this grid to manage Lien Waivers.

Fields Lists


ClosedTo Add a Lien Waiver

  1. Select Job Cost—Job Costing—Lien Waivers.
  2. Complete tabs using the Fields Lists for help.
  3. Click Save.  

ClosedTo Edit a Lien Waiver

  1. Select Job Cost—Job Costing—Lien Waivers.
  2. Use the Footer Links to select a CompanyProperty for the Lien Waiver. The Lien Waivers associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  3. Use the Filter buttons on the grid to locate the Lien Waiver you want to edit, if necessary, and then select the link in the Lien Number column to open the one you want to edit.
  4. Make your desired changes to the Lien Waiver using the Fields Lists for help.
  5. If desired, click the icon in the Print column to create a printable copy of the Lien Waiver. Use the on-screen options to view, save, or print the .PDF that appears.
  6. Click Save to save changes to the Lien Waiver. The Lien Waiver grid appears again.

ClosedTo Print a Lien Waiver

  1. Select Job Cost—Job Costing—Lien Waivers.
  2. Use the Footer Links to select a CompanyProperty for the Lien Waiver. The Lien Waiver associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  3. Use the Filter buttons on the grid to locate the Lien Waiver you want to print, if necessary.
  4. Click the Print or Reprint for the Lien Waiver you want to print. A printable copy of the Lien Waiver appears in .PDF format. Use the on-screen options to view, save, or print the .PDF that appears.
  5. To print a hard copy of the Lien Waiver, use the Print feature in the .PDF viewer.

ClosedTo Delete a Lien Waiver


You can only delete manual Lien Waivers, i.e., you cannot delete Lien Waivers generated in a check run. The Delete button is available only for a Lien Waiver when it can be deleted.

  1. Select Job Cost—Job Costing—Lien Waivers. Find the Lien Waiver you want to delete.
  2. Use the Footer Links to select a CompanyProperty for the Lien Waiver. The Lien Waivers associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  3. Click the Delete icon for the Lien Waiver you want to delete.
  4. Click OK. The Lien Waivers grid appears again.

See Also

Job Costing Introduction