Make the following selections from the menu to display this page:
Inventory—Transactions—Inventory Transfers
Use this page to manage inventory transfers. Using this menu item, you record items being physically moved from one warehouse to another.
Fields Lists
The following fields and buttons show on the grid.
Add Inventory Transfer (button)
Click the button to add a new Inventory Transfer batch. The Add/Edit page appears. Refer to instructions later in this topic for information on how to add or edit a Transfer.
Include Transfers in Approved Batches (check box)
Check the box and transfers from Approved Batches appear in the grid (default is not checked).
Include All PropertiesCompanies (check box)
Limits what appears in the grid when the box is not checked. Note that Warehouse Items appear in the grid only when at least one line for that Warehouse Item has a record for the PropertiesCompanies you select to show in the grid.
NOTE that the setting you select affects the following three grids and persists until you log out: Inventory Receipts, Inventory Shipments, and Inventory Transfers.
Unhecked (default) – The grid shows Inventory Items for the currently selected PropertyCompany only.
Checked – The grid shows Inventory Items for all PropertiesCompanies, regardless of the PropertyCompany selected in the footer.
To change what you see in the grid, for some columns you can do the following.
Click the column title to sort the list.
Click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.
Inventory ID
The Inventory Item identification that appears on lists and in reports. This is generated by the system and is uneditable.
Click the Item ID link to display the Add/Edit page to view or edit Warehouse Item information.
Document ID
The identification of the document used to generate the transaction.
Batch ID
The identification of the batch used to process the transaction.
The accounting date for the transactions and corresponds to the GL accounting period.
Total Amount
The total amount of the transaction.
One of the following icons appears in this column:
No documents are currently
stored for the Warehouse Item. Click the icon to upload documents for the Item.
At least one document
is currently stored for the Warehouse Item. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon to
see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or delete
For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.
Use the Delete button to delete an Inventory Transaction record. Inventory Transactions that are in approved batches or have been drop-shipped cannot be deleted or modified.
As you make selections, information may default into some fields automatically.
NOTE that a red dot
indicates a required field or
Add or edit information about the Inventory Transfer.
Document ID
The document identification that appears on lists and in reports.
To add or edit the Document ID, click in the field and add or edit the Document ID.
Accounting Date
The Accounting Date for the transactions. This date corresponds to the GL accounting period.
Use the Calendar button to select or edit the accounting date.
The system-generated line number for this line.
From Warehouse ID
The warehouse identification for the warehouse that the transfer is from. This is the Warehouse ID that appears in lists and reports.
To add or edit the Warehouse ID, click the Lookup
icon to display the Select Warehouse pop-up and select a Warehouse.
To Warehouse ID
The warehouse identification for the warehouse that the transfer is to. This is the Warehouse ID that appears in lists and reports.
To add or edit the Warehouse ID, click the Lookup
icon to display the Select Warehouse pop-up and select a Warehouse.
Item ID
The item identification for the item that is being transferred. This is the Item ID that appears in lists and reports.
To add or edit the Inventory Item ID, click the Lookup
icon to display the Select Inventory Item pop-up and select an Item.
Enter the quantity of the Warehouse Item that is being transferred.
The Unit of Measure. The value defaults in from the Item Master and is informational only. The value is lowest measurement, i.e., the Issue value.
Unit Cost
The unit cost of the item being shipped. The value defaults in from the Warehouse Item average or standard cost, based on the global policy for Warehouses, Charge Items Using (average cost or standard cost).
Total Cost
The total cost, which is a calculated amount: (Unit Cost * Quantity).
Additional Information
See Also
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