To Add an Entity

  1. Click Add Entity. The entity tabs display.
  2. Use the General Tab field list to complete the tab. Note that you are unable to select accounts in the final two fields on the tab.
  3. Click Save. The Setup Entities page displays again.
  4. Use the Find Button to locate the entity you just added and select it. The entity tabs display again.
  5. Use the General Tab, Consolidate Tab, Default Budget Versions Tab, and User/Group Access Tab field lists to complete the tabs.
  6. Click Save. The setup tab displays again.

To Edit an Entity

  1. Click the Entity ID for the entity you want to edit. The entity tabs display.
  2. Use the General Tab, Consolidate Tab, Default Budget Versions Tab, and User/Group Access Tab field lists to edit the tabs.
  3. Click Save. The setup tab displays again.

To Delete an Entity


For entities with transactions, use the Delete Entity tab. Also, this process allows multiple entities to be deleted at one time.

  1. Click the Delete icon for the entity you want to delete. The entity tabs display.
  2. Click Confirm Delete. The setup tab displays again.

See Also

Setup Entities Tab