Adding Service Charges

You can add service charges, such as returned check charges, for the reconciliation.

The General tab allows you to add or edit general information for a service charge. When you complete this tab, the system automatically creates an entry for the cash account on the Service Charge Detail Tab.

The Detail tab allows you to add or edit details for the service charge. The system provides default cash account information. You must enter the offsetting entry.


If you add a service charge in error, you cannot delete the transaction. You must add a reversing entry to correct the error.

ClosedGeneral Tab Fields


An asterisk (*) indicates a required field or selection.

Payment # *

The system-generated payment number. The word New displays when you are adding. This number appears on lists and in reports.

The charge number format includes a date and system-assigned sequential number; for example, 02/20/2005.001, 02/21/2005.002, and so forth.


The reconciliation date. This field is not editable.

Charge type *

Select a type for the payment from the drop-down list: Service Charge, Return Check Charge.

Amount *

Type the amount for the payment.

Description *

Type a description for the payment.


Click to exit without saving changes.


Click to save your changes.

ClosedDetail Tab Fields

Sequence Number Field

The system-generated sequential line number.

Bank Account

The bank account identification.

EntityCompany ID

The entitycompany identification.

GL Account

The credit is a general ledger account identification that is associated with the entitycompany cash account.

For the debit, use the Lookup button to select the offsetting expense account from the Select GL Account Tab. During reconciliation, when you add a service charge, you select an expense account for a service charge. Once you save the transaction, the system approves and posts immediately to the period that contains the bank statement date. The transaction is not included in a batch or journal entry. You must select the transaction to have it included in the reconciliation.

If you prefer having these transactions contained in a batch or journal entry, add them using the batch and journal entry tabs just as you would any other transaction. Be sure to approve the batch. When you return to the reconciliation process, these items appear as unchecked transactions in the Bank Reconciliation Grid. The items are also accounted for the GL Acct Balance—the general ledger cash account balance field in the total fields.


Enter a description of the payment.


Enter the amount of the payment.


Click the Delete button to delete a payment. Note that you are deleting one line item detail for this payment but not the entire payment.

Debit Total

The system-generated debit total for the payment. To save entries, the debit and credit totals must match.

Credit Total

The system-generated credit total for the payment. The entry is always a credit to the cash account for this bank. To save entries, the debit and credit totals must match.


Click to exit without saving changes.


Click to save your changes.

ClosedTo Add a Service Charge

  1. From the Bank Reconciliation Details tab, click Add Service Charge.
  2. On the General tab, type the date (mm/dd/yyyy) or use the Calendar button to select a date, if desired.
  3. From the Charge Type drop-down list, select a type for the payment.
  4. Type theAmountfor the payment.
  5. Type a Description for the payment.
  6. In the GL Account field on the Detail tab, type the offsetting expense account for the debit or use the Lookup button to select the account from the Select GL Account Tab.
  7. Enter a Description of the payment.
  8. Type the Amount of the payment.
  9. Click Save.

See Also

Bank Reconciliation Grid

Bank Reconciliation Detail

Adding Interest

Adding Adjustments

Bank Reconciliation Concepts and Processes

Bank Reconciliation Troubleshooting