Select GL Account Tab

This tab displays when you select the Lookup icon that appears next to a GL Account field. Use this tab to select the general ledger account that you want to use for data processing or reporting.


If you change an existing GL account and the Global Policy  is set to Maintain expense codes with GL accounts, the default expense code on the Vendor or Customer must be changed manually.

Selections appearing on this list are established on the GL Accounts Tab.


The following fields appear on the select page:

Add GL Account

Click this button to add a general ledger account number. Refer to the add instructions later in this topic.

NOTE that this button appears only for users with permission to add GL Accounts. Refer to Effect of Permissions, below, for details.


Click to exit without saving changes.

Find Account #

This field defaults to Account #; however, if you click any underlined grid column title, the field label changes to reflect your selection. You can then search for entries based on the field label. For example, if you know the account description, click the Description column title and the find field label changes to Find Description.

Enter the first few letters or numbers to search for or select from a drop-down list, and then select the Find button. The items that are the nearest match to your entry display in the grid below. Click column titles to sort the list further.

Account #

The general ledger account number. Click this column title to sort the list.


The general ledger account description. Click this column title to sort the list.

Account Type

The following account types are possible: Asset, Liability, Capital, Profit, Income, Expense. Click this column title to sort the list.

Record Type

The following record types are possible: Heading, Detail, Total. Click this column title to sort the list. If you are entering a journal entry, only Detail record types display.

ClosedTo Select an Account Number

  1. Use the Find Button to locate the account number that you want to use for data processing.
  2. Click the account number. The number displays in the GL Account field on the previous tab.

ClosedTo Add an Account Number

  1. Click Add GL Account. The account maintenance tab displays.
  2. Complete the tab. For help, refer to the Account Maintenance Tab.
  3. Click Save. The account displays in the account list on the Select GL Account Tab.
  4. Click the account number. The number displays in the GL Account field on the previous tab.

ClosedEffect of Permissions

Permission must be granted in the System module to add GL Accounts using the Add button on this tab. The Add button does not appear for users without this permission.

System module—Security—Users—eFinancials—Setup—GL Setup—GL Accounts

See Also

Select Tabs