Bank Reconciliation - Troubleshooting

This section provides solutions some common issues that occur when using the bank reconciliation feature.

ClosedCorrecting an Entry Error

If you add service charges or interest in error, you cannot delete the transaction. You must add a reversing entry to correct the error.

If you add an adjustment in error, you can delete it by clearing the Reconcile check box for the adjustment.

ClosedReconcile Button is Not Enabled

The system does not enable the Reconcile button until the difference between the Adj GL Balance field and the Adj Bank Balance field equals zero. Check the following items:

ClosedMultiple Sets of Books

The bank account setup GL Accounts Tab includes fields that allow you to associate many entities to a bank account. Businesses frequently use this ability to add cash and accrual entities. However, the system allows you to select only one general ledger account for electronic reconciliation. Any other general ledger cash accounts must be reconciled manually. You must create journal entries for the additional entitiescompanies.



These are funds received from your customers that pay bills for goods or services that your business provided to them.

Deposits in Transit

These are deposits that have been made to the bank but do not show on the bank statement.


These are checks and direct deposit advices that have been issued by your company to pay for goods or services consumed by your business.

Outstanding Checks

These are checks or direct deposit advices that have been written against this account but do not show on the bank statement being reconciled.

See Also

Bank Reconciliation Grid

Bank Reconciliation Detail

Adding Service Charges

Adding Interest

Adding Adjustments

Bank Reconciliation Troubleshooting

General Ledger Overview