Edit 1099 Process

  1. Use the Find field and Find Button to locate the 1099 process you want to edit.
  2. Select the invoice link in the Year column. The 1099 Process tab displays.
  3. Examine the Status field. The field contains one of the following statuses: New, Calculated, or Transferred.
  4. Use the 1099 Process Tab field list to edit the tab. Validation occurs as part of the completion of the tab. When the validation is successful, a grid displays below the tab.
  5. To stop, select the Cancel button to close the tab. The Setup 1099 Process tab displays again. Select another option from the menu.
  6. To continue, select the Calculate button. Property, company,Company or vendor setup issues display in a separate pop-up window and must be resolved before the system can calculate. The system calculates and creates the XML file used by GEMM 1099 reporting. The Status field is updated to Calculated.
  7. To stop, select the Cancel button to close the tab. The Setup 1099 Process tab displays again. Select another option from the menu.
  8. To continue, select the Transfer button to transfer to GEMM 1099 reporting. The system selects the XML file and launches GEMM 1099 reporting. The Status field is updated to Transferred. Continue reading in the GEMM Help file for instructions on how to proceed.


Setup 1099 Process Tab