1099 Process Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Accounts Payable—End of Period—1099 Process—select a year

Use this tab to add and validate a 1099 process. In addition, you can calculate and transfer data using this tab.


Once a year and transmitter control code are selected on this tab, the system validates the combination to confirm that it is unique in the system.

When the combination passes validation, a number of fields are completed automatically. The name associated with the IRS-assigned transmitter control code for the company associated with the federal tax identification number displays in a field to the right of the Transmitter Control Code field. The federal tax identification associated with the transmitter is inserted in the Federal Tax ID field. The Status field is updated to the status of New.

In addition, a grid displays. The grid lists all companies associated with the transmitter and includes all propertiescompanies assigned to the propertycompany groups of those companies. A warning message displays if the list includes propertiescompanies to which you do not have security access.



A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field or selection.

Year *

Select a year from the drop-down list. Years appearing on this list are established when invoices with 1099-related data are paid during those years. This field is subject to validation.

Transmitter Control Code *

Select the transmitter control code associated with the transmitter; that is, the IRS-assigned transmitter control code for your business. The name associated with the code displays to the right of the field. Transmitters appearing on this list are established on the Transmitters Tab Setup. This field is subject to validation.

Description *

Enter a description of the 1099 report. This entry is for your convenience. Enter a meaningful description that allows you to quickly identify this year/transmitter combination.

If you are editing the description of an existing 1099 process, be sure to select the Calculate button to cause the system to validate and save the new description.

Federal Tax ID

The display-only federal tax identification associated with the transmitter; that is, the IRS-assigned federal tax identification for your business. When the year/transmitter combination passes validation, the system completes this field automatically.


The display-only status of the 1099 process. When the year/transmitter combination passes validation, the system completes this field automatically. As updates are made to this 1099 process, the system updates this field automatically. The following statuses are possible: New, Calculated, Transferred.

New indicates a new 1099 process. The process has been validated but has not been calculated or transferred. However, as part of validation an entry has been made to a table that saves the 1099 process so that it appears on the Setup 1099 Process tab.

Calculated indicates that the Calculate button has been selected for this 1099 process. Selecting this button causes the system to calculate and create the XML file used by GEMM 1099 reporting.

Transferred indicates that the Transfer button has been selected for this 1099 process. Selecting this button launches GEMM 1099 reporting. Continue reading in the GEMM Help file for instructions on how to proceed.


The grid displays after validation is complete. All companiescompanies and properties that are being reported under this transmitter display in the grid.

Company ID

The display-only company identification.

If a company that should be reported under the transmitter is missing from the list, confirm that the company has been set up properly. On the company 1099 Payer Tab confirm that the transmitter and a 1099 propertycompany group are selected. Selecting a transmitter on this tab associates the transmitter with the company. Selecting a 1099 propertycompany group associates propertiescompanies in the group with the federal tax identification for the company.


The display-only description (name) of the company.

Federal Tax ID

The display-only federal tax identification number associated with the company.

PropertyCompany ID

The display-only propertycompany identification for a propertycompany that is included in the 1099 propertyccompany group defined for the company.

If a propertycompany that should be reported under the federal tax identification for the company is missing from the list, confirm that the propertycompany has been set up properly. On the propertycompanyGroups Tab, confirm that the propertycompany is a member of the 1099 propertycompany group. Selecting a 1099 propertycompany group associates propertiescompanies in the group with the federal tax identification for the company.



Select this button when you want to stop without saving changes.

If you have already selected a year/transmitter combination, validation has occurred. During validation, an entry is made to a table that saves the 1099 process so that it appears on the Setup 1099 Process tab for selection. Selecting Cancel after validation only closes the tab; the 1099 process remains available for selection because of its entry in the table.

If you are editing the description of an existing 1099 process, selecting Cancel causes the new description to be deleted. To save the new description, select the Calculate button to cause the system to validate and save the new description.


Select this button to calculate and create the XML file used by GEMM 1099 reporting.

When you select this button, the system validates again, inserts an entry in the Year End Group table, and generates entries for every invoice detail paid for the selected year for a propertycompany in the propertycompany group defined for a company that is assigned to the selected transmitter. The system summarizes invoice data by payee and 1099 category, and then formats the data as XML data. The system then inserts the XML data into the XML field on the Year End Group table. Thus creating the XML file used by GEMM 1099 reporting.


Select this button to launch GEMM 1099 reporting.

When you select this button, the system selects the XML file from the Year End Group table, and launches GEMM 1099 reporting.


Setup 1099 Process Tab