Companies Banks Tab - Simplified Setup

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Setup—GL Setup—Companies—Banks Tab or
ePO—Setup—Companies—Banks Tab

Use this tab to set up or delete banks for a company.

Use this tab to set up the Default bank, Refund bank, and  Authorized Banks, i.e., any bank that you want to use for this company must be associated to the company by adding it as an Authorized Bank.


A red dot Required field indicates a required field or selection.

Default Banks Required field


Any bank set as a Default Bank cannot be deleted from the system unless you first change it to another bank and then delete the bank from the system using Setup Bank Accounts.

Click the Lookup Button to display a list and select an the default bank for this company. Selections appearing on this list are set up on the Bank Accounts Tab.

AP Bank

Click the Lookup Button to display a list and select the default AP Bank for this company.

Selections appearing on this list are set up on the Bank Accounts Tab.

Refund Bank

Click the Lookup Button to display a list and select the refund bank for this company.

NOTE that when AP deposit refunds are processed for the company, the system uses the Refund Bank rather than the default AP Bank when creating the invoice records. If a refund bank is not set, the system uses the default bank account.

Selections appearing on this list are set up on the Bank Accounts Tab.

AR Bank

Click the Lookup Button to display a list and select the default AR Bank for this company.

Selections appearing on this list are set up on the Bank Accounts Tab.

Authorized Banks: (Choose Banks)

To add an authorized bank, click anywhere in the field and select a bank from the drop-down list that appears. The bank is added to the list of authorized banks.

To delete an Authorized Bank:

From Authorized Banks, click the x next to the bank name. The bank is deleted from the list of authorized banks and the company is prevented from using that bank.


Use the Delete button when you want to delete the association of the bank account with the company.


Click to save changes.

See Also

Setup Companies - Simplified Setup

Edit Company Tabs - Simplified Setup