Company Setup and Maintenance - Simplified Setup

This topic explains how to use the Company Setup grid for Simplified Setup.

Company Setup grid is used for initial setup of companies.

eFinancials—Setup—GL Setup—Companies or ePO—Setup—Companies

Initial Setup of Companies

When first setting up a company, follow these general steps.

  1. Click on the Companies menu item and the Company Setup grid loads.
  2. Click Add Company. Complete the tabs that display: General Tab, Addresses Tab, Groups Tab, 1099 Tab, Consolidated Tab (as applicable). These tabs allow you to enter information that must be set up first.
  3. Save your changes. The setup tabs display again.
  4. Complete the tabs that display, as applicable: Accounts & Expense Codes Tab, Addresses Tab, Groups Tab, Banks Tab, 1099 Tab, Default Budget Tab. These tabs allow to you complete the remainder of the information required to set up a company.

Company Maintenance

From the grid, select the company you want to perform maintenance on and some or all of the following tabs display. For specific instructions, refer to the step by step instructions.

General Tab

Accounts and Expense Codes Tab

Addresses Tab

Groups Tab

Banks Tab

1099 Tab

Sales Tax Tab

Default Budget Tab

Consolidated Tab



Setup Companies Grid

Companies Overview

Introduction - Simplified Setup

Setup Steps