Automatic Batch Numbering

On the global policies Batch tab, a batch default setting occurs in the following fields: Auto-number batches and Next batch. Your system may or may not be set up to number batches automatically.

The option selected for the field Auto-Generated Batches on the global policies Batch Tab also affects how these fields function.

Automatically Generated Batches

When your system is set up to generate batches automatically, batches are numbered automatically regardless of your selection in the Auto-number batches field.

Batches are numbered using the following format AGB0000001 with AGB standing for automatically generated batch. For more information on this setup, refer to Batch Generation.

Manual Batches

Even when your system is set up for manual batches (i.e., batches are not automatically-generated), the system default is to auto-number batches. When you add a new batch using the Batches General Tab, the Batch ID field contains a number that uses the following format 0000001. The format for batch numbering can be changed using the Next batch field on the global policies Batch Tab.

If your system is not set up to number batches automatically, when you add a new batch, then the Batch ID field is blank and you can enter a free-form batch identification. Be sure to end your format with a number that the system can increment.


Depending on the applications purchased by your company, batch-related tabs can display from either eFinancials, ePO, or Job Cost menus.

All policies that affect eFinancials, ePO and Job Cost batches are set in eFinancials.

See Also

Batches Overview