Batch Generation

The system can be setup to generate batches either manually or automatically.

ClosedManually Generated Batches

If your system is set up for manual batch generation, which is the default, you must set set up batches before you can enter general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, or journal entry transactions. You can create a new batch for one day, one week, or one month—whatever suits your needs.

ClosedAutomatically Generated Batches

If your system is set up for automatic batch generation, which requires a change to the default setting, you can add transactions without having to stop to create a batch. As you enter transactions at the beginning of a period, a batch is created for each of the following journals: General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Journal Entry.

These batches will be used to group regular transaction entries for the following: journal entries, invoices and manual checks, billings, and receipts. To provide smoother functionality, a unique batch will be created for specific processes such as check runs, recurring invoice generation, recurring journal entry generation, deposit refund imports, AP transaction imports, and GL transaction imports. The system numbers these batches automatically regardless of the numbering option you select on the Global Policy Batch Tab.

Transactions are added to these batches with no restrictions on property, entity, or or users. That is, any authorized user can enter general ledger journal entries for any property and/or entitycompany they are authorized to use. All general ledger journal entries initiated by all users are added to one general ledger batch. Batches do not have to be manually approved when using automatically generated batches. Closing the period automatically approves the batch. A new batch number is assigned to new transactions when a batch is approved.

This same scenario holds true for the accounts payable and accounts receivable batches. Invoice and check transactions added by any authorized user are included in the accounts payable batch. Billing and receipt transactions added by any authorized user are included in the accounts receivable batch.

In addition, you can also use the Setup Batches Tab to add, edit, and delete batches manually. Manually entered batches are processed the same as generated batches. However, they can have a different batch numbering sequence or format, which distinguishes them from batches that are generated automatically.


Depending on the applications purchased by your company, batch-related tabs can display from either eFinancials, ePO, Job Cost or Inventory menus.

All policies that affect eFinancials, ePO, Job Cost and Inventory batches are set in eFinancials.

See Also

Batches Overview

Batches - Associated Topics

Import and Export Overview