Setup Plan Introduction

Organization is the key to a smooth and successful system setup. Making decisions prior to actually setting up the system can save you some headaches down the road. In addition, adding information to the system in a specific sequence can save you time and frustration. We suggest that you formulate a setup plan based on the following general plan.

Reading Setup Steps

Prior to starting, read Setup Steps - Standard Setup or Setup Steps - Simplified Setup, as applicable. The steps provide detail guidance intended to minimize the time it takes to complete system setup. They also provide you with some insight on the information you need to have at hand when actually entering data into the system.

Planning Setup Policies

Initially, we suggest that you concentrate on planning global and user policies.

Global policies provide users with defaults that lighten their workload and cause business data to be processed in a consistent manner. These policies affect the processing of batches, purchase orders, invoices, and checks. In addition, global policies are used to determine how you are going to handle vendors and budgets. The Global Policies Overview provides setup details on policies and includes set of questions that should help you plan global policies for your business. As part of the planning process, we ask that you fax a copy of your global policies to Customer Support. If we have this information on hand, we can support your system more efficiently.

Setting user policies allows you to customize user access in ePO and affects the selected user's ability to complete work. User policies are policies that are applied only to a selected user. These policies affect your users abilities to work with purchase orders, invoice, checks, and vendors. The User Policies Overview provides setup details on user policies, and at the end of the policy sections, includes set of questions that should help you plan policies for each of your users. As part of the setup process, we ask that you fax a copy of your user policies to Customer Support. If we have this information on hand, we can support your system more efficiently.

Planning the Remainder of the System

After you have global and user policies planned, you are ready to plan the remainder of your system.

The supporting documentation and questionnaire sections follow the sequence detailed in the Setup Steps. Each section includes setup details on the item you are setting up and a set of questions that should help you plan for the entry of each item. Actually completing each questionnaire is optional; they are provided for your convenience. In instances where a system has been converted, most of the data for your setup may already be in your system. If you do not use the questionnaires, when setting up—actually entering data into the system, you may want to keep a copy of the questions at hand because they can sometimes provide insight beyond that which is provided in field descriptions appearing in online Help or the User Guide.

When setting up—actually entering data into the system, be sure to follow the steps detailed in the Setup Steps. Following this numbered list of steps minimizes the amount of flipping between tabs.

See Also

Setup Steps - Standard Setup

Setup Steps - Simplified Setup


Policies and Setup Guide Introduction