Schedule Tab Recurring Invoices

Use this tab to add, edit, or delete recurring information for the recurring invoice.



An asterisk (red * ) indicates a required field or selection.

Frequency *

Select a frequency for the recurring invoice, that is, when the transaction in the recurring invoice should be processed. The following frequencies are possible: (Not Set), Daily, Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly.

Start Date *

Enter a start date for the recurring invoice using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar Button to select a date. The date you enter is the activation date for the recurring invoice.

For example, if you select a frequency of monthly and you enter 01/05/yyyy, and then process recurring invoices, the create process updates the Next Date field to 02/05/yyyy based on this start date.

Last Date

The last date on which the recurring invoice was processed. When you Create Invoices, the system inserts the date in this field.

Enter or edit a last date for the recurring invoice using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar Button to select a date.

Next Date *

Enter a next date for the recurring invoice using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar Button to select a date. The date you enter is the next date on which the recurring invoice can be processed.

End Date *

Enter an end date for the recurring invoice using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar Button to select a date. The date you enter is the termination date for the recurring invoice.

Accumulated $

Enter the accumulated amount of the recurring invoice using the format 0000.00. This amount is the total amount that has been processed through the current date. This amount is incremented by the Create Invoices process.

Maximum Amount *

Enter the maximum amount that can accumulate via processing of this recurring invoice. For example, if you were making payments on an account that totaled $10,000, you would enter $10,000 in this field.



Select this button when you want to stop without saving changes.


Select this button to save changes.


Recurring Invoices Tab