User Policies Setup - Other Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Policies—User Policies—Other tab

Use this tab to set up and manage other user policies.


Allow posting ___ periods before current period and ___ periods after current period.

For this policy, the Invoices, Billings, and Journal Entries transactions each check the calendar's Current Period for the transaction type to determine whether the user can post based on the transaction date, i.e., the system checks the GL period for journal entries, the AP period for invoices, and the AR period for billings.

Leaving the fields blank means there are no restrictions.

In the first and second blank fields, enter numbers to define a range of posting periods.

First: Enter the number of periods before the current period to which the selected user can post.

Second: Enter the number of periods after the current period to which the selected user can post.

For example, when the current period in GL is period 4, and current period in AP is period 6, and the user policy is set to "0" periods before and after, then the user can add invoices to period 6, and journal entries to period 4.


When setting this policy for a data entry clerk or an apartment complex manager, you may want to limit the posting window. For example, if you enter zero for periods before and zero for periods after, the user can post to the current period only.

When setting this policy for an accounting manager, you may want to widen the posting window. For example, if you enter two for periods before and two for periods after, the accounting manager is able to post to two periods before the current period, the current period, and two periods after the current period.

Allow user to edit imported batches

This option defaults as unchecked. Accept this default if you do not want the selected user to be able to edit imported batches.

Click this option to insert a check mark if you want the selected user to be able to edit imported batches.

Show budget graph during PO and Invoice processing

This option defaults as unchecked. Accept this default if you do not want a graph to display for the selected user during purchase order or invoice entry.

Click this option to insert a check mark if you want a graph to display for the selected user during purchase order or invoice entry. When this user begins the entry process for purchase orders or invoices, a graph, which shows the percent of current budget compared to the total budget, displays automatically. This display allows the user to see if sufficient funds for the transaction are available.

Default value for "Variance based on budgets" on PL Variance reports

This option relates to the default value of a check box that appears on the P & L Variance and Departmental P & L Variance reports. This option defaults as unchecked. Accept this default if you do not want the check box on the two P & L Variance reports to be checked by default.

Click this option to insert a check mark if you want the check box Variance based on budgets on the two P & L Variance reports’ parameter selection screens to be checked by default.

Include these users for default user batch restrictions

This option is available when default batch restrictions are selected on the global policies setup Batch tab. Refer to the Fields list.

Here you are selecting additional default users so that when you (the default user) add a new batch, the user restrictions set on the Batch tab automatically default to all the additional users added under this policy.

Click the Select Users button and the Select Users pop-up box opens. Click to select users and then click Save. To remove any user that appears in the Include these Users box, click Remove next to the user name.



Select this button when you want to stop without saving changes.


Select this button to save changes.

See Also

Effect of Other Policies

Batches Overview

Budgets Overview

Setup User Policies Tabs

Setup Questions  - Other