Document Types Overview

Document Types are set up to tell the system which types of documents are allowed to be attached to specific functions within the system. For example, common Document Types (file extensions) are .doc or .docx for Word documents and .pdf for Adobe Acrobat PDF files.

Once a document type is set up in Document Types, that type of document can be attached to a variety of items such as billings, checks, companies, invoices, journal entries, purchase orders, receipts, etc., throughout all modules in the system.

Refer to Effect of Permissions on Documents for more information.

Setup Details

Setting up document types is optional; however a document type must be set up in order to add a document with that file extension in the system.

To see a list of all the document types that have already been added to the system, go to the Document Types tab:

Setup—Global Setup—Document Types Tab

See Also

Document Types Tab

Add/Edit Document Type

Documents Tab

Upload Document Tab

Effect of Permissions on Documents

Move Documents

eFinancials Concepts