Departments Overview

Departments are account-specific reporting devices. Adding departments provides you with a method to define a sub-set of accounts within an entitycompany or to create a smaller sub-section of accounts in a chart of accounts. Establishing departments gives you the ability to generate financial reports for a selected group of accounts with a project.

ClosedSetup Details

Setting up departments is optional. If you do not want to use the departments option, do not set up. Departments can be set up at any time because they do not affect the setup process. Departments are associated with entitiescompanies. When setting up, you select an entitycompany, and then add as many departments for each entitycompany as needed.


EntitiesCompanies must already be set up and available for selection. Refer to Entities OverviewCompanies Overview for more information.

Setup Questions

Setup Questions Departments

See Also

Departments Tab

Select Departments Tab

Department List Report

General Ledger Overview

Setup Sequence