To Add an Image

The system can accept any image file type (such as a .jpg, .gif, .bmp, etc.). Before you can upload an image to eFinancials, the image file must be saved to a folder that can be accessed on your computer or network.

ClosedTo Upload a Report Logo or Check Image


For Image type Logo only, you can have only one image on file at a time.

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Setup—Global Setup—Images.
  2. From the Setup Images tab, click Add Image. The Images Maintenance Tab appears.
  3. Enter an Image ID.

    Only if you are adding a report logo, the Image ID must be entered as LOGO-EFN. The Image ID must be LOGO-EFN or the report logo will not print.
  4. In the Description field, type an image description (for example, "Report Logo" or "Check Image 1").
  5. From the Image Type drop-down list, select the image type.
  6. Click Upload New File.
  7. From the window that appears, click Browse to select the image and then click Use this image.
  8. Click Save.

See Also

Setup Images Tab

Images Maintenance Tab

To Edit an Image

To Delete an Image

Images Overview