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Series Setup Tab
This tab appears when you select a report group from
the Series Setup Grid. Use this tab
to add or edit data for all of the reports in the group of reports.
The selections you make on this tab apply to all the
reports in the group. You can make additional selections for individual
reports in the group on the Reports tab.
An asterisk (*) indicates
a required field.
Report Group *
The next sequential number displays by default.
Accept this default or enter another number. The value entered must be
numeric. If not, an alert message displays.
Report groups 1–4
are hard-coded into the system. All others are added sequentially, starting
with number 5, whenever you add a new series. After a number for a report
group is added, the number cannot be edited.
Description *
Enter a description for the report group.
Group By
Select a group by option. The following selections
are possible:
Select this option to have the system group reports by report type. The
system runs one report for each type of report and includes data for all
Select this option to have the system group reports by property. The system
runs many reports of the same type and includes data for one property
per report.
This selection is the default. Accept this default to have the system display
a prompt that ask you how you want to group reports. This option give
you more flexibility over the grouping; however, users must answer the
question each time a group of reports runs.
Property Selection
Select properties by option. The following selections
are possible:
Use selected properties at time
series is run
This selection is the default. Accept this default to have the system use
the properties which are selected at the time the series is run.
Use predefined selection
Select this option to have the system use properties listed in a predefined
file; the file name is entered in the next field Prop.
Sel. File Name.
Prop. Sel. File Name
The system enables this field only when you select
Use predefined selection for the previous field
Property Selection. Select a file name from the
drop-down list to associate specific properties with the report group.
Default Copies
This field default to 1. Accept this default or
enter another number if you need more copies of the group of reports.
Cover Pages
This option defaults as unchecked. Accept this
default if you do not want the system to prompt you for a cover page.
Click this option to add a checkmark if you want the system to prompt
you for a cover page.
Series Setup Overview
Setup Grid
Reports Tab
To Add a
To Edit
a Series
To Delete
a Series
Add a Report to a Series
Edit a Report in a Series
Delete a Report from a Series
Questions Series Setup
Series Setup Tab
Global Overview