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Rankings Tab
Make the following selections from the eSite menu to
display this page:
Use this tab to group link tenants together for the purposes
of printing the ranking group report or letter. The Ranking program uses
the current sales amounts to determine rankings in volume and per square
footage in comparison to other tenants in the same ranking group (property)/sales
group/sales category. Ranking can be run again, if necessary.
Identifies the ranking group by code.
Ranking Group
Identifies the group by name.
Ranking Period
The ranking period listed in the format mm/yyyy.
Mark the column to select the ranking group. Click
once inside the header to select all ranking groups at once.
Ranking Period
This date defaults to the current period. Accept
the default to print the report or letters as of this date. Or, enter
a different period using the format mm/yyyy.
Print Ranking Report
This field defaults as checked. Accept the default
to print the ranking group. Or, uncheck to indicate the report should
not print.
Print Ranking Letter
This field defaults as checked. Accept the default
to print ranking letters. Or, uncheck to indicate ranking letters should
not print.
Identifies the ranking group by code.
Ranking Group
Identifies the ranking group by name.
Ranking Period
The ranking period (mm/yyyy).
Select the check box for one or more ranking groups
you want. To select all ranking groups, select the check box in the header.
Ranking Period
Type a date to print the report or letters as
of this date (mm/yyyy).
Print Ranking Report
Select this check box to print the ranking report.
Print Ranking Letter
Select the box to print ranking letters. The Ranking
Letter displays information related to the tenant sales ranking in volume
and per square footage in comparison to other tenants in the same ranking
group (or property, if ranking group is not selected)/sales group/sales
category. The Ranking Letter is user-defined based on merged fields available
on the Create Data Template tab.
See Also
Ranking Report Details
Print Ranking Letters
Data Template Tab