Use this tab to add or edit data for an occupant demographic
A red asterisk ( * )
indicates a required field or selection.
Property Id
The display-only identification of the property.
Prompt *
Enter the name of the demographic prompt that
you want to display on the demographic form. Use a descriptive name that
causes the user to add the appropriate response in the field.
Data Type
Select a data type from the drop-down list. The
following types are possible:
Select this option when you want the user to enter free-form text. You
can define a length of up to 25 alpha-numeric characters. When you select
this option, the system enables the field Length.
Select this option when you want the user to enter a date using the format
mm/dd/yyyy. When you select this option, the system replaces the field
Length with the fields Minimum
and Maximum.
Select this option when you want the user to enter an amount. When you
select this option, the system replaces the field Length
with the fields Minimum and
Select this option when you want the user to enter a numeric value. When
you select this option, the system replaces the field Length
with the fields Minimum and
Select this option when you want a drop-down list of user table selections
to display for the user. The user must select an option from the list
to complete the field at the bottom of the demographic form. When you
select this option, the system replaces the field Length
with the field Table.
Not Used
Select this option when you no
longer want to collect a particular type of information. When you select
this option, the system disables the following fields: Length,
Minimum, Maximum, Table.
Select this option when you want a drop-down list
of search topics selections to display for the user. The user must select
an option from the list to complete the field on the demographic form.
Selections appearing on this list are established on the Search
Topic Grid.
This option defaults as unchecked. Accept this
default if you do not want the system to require that the user complete
the demographic prompt.
Click this option to add a checkmark if you want
the system to require that the user complete the demographic prompt.
Length *
The system enables this field only when you select
the option Character in the Data
Type field. Enter the maximum length that a value can be for this
demographic prompt.
The system enables this field only when you select
the option Date, Dollar,
or Number in the Data Type
field. Enter the minimum value that a user must enter for this demographic
The system enables this field only when you select
the option Date, Dollar,
or Number in the Data Type
field. Enter the maximum value that a user must enter for this demographic
The system enables this field only when you select
the option Table in the Data
Type field. Select a table option from the drop-down list. Selections
appearing on this list are established on the User
Tables Tab.
This field defaults as checked. Accept this default
if you want the demographic prompt to display for the end-user on the
form, on the Resident Profile Report,
on the Lease Profile and on the Demographic Definition List.
Click this field to remove the checkmark is you
do not want the demographic prompt to display for the end-user on the