Auto-Email allows you to automatically generate and send email to a Guest, Applicant, Resident, Guarantor, or all Occupants immediately or after a specified amount of time following a trigger Action. Emails are customizable, allowing you to enter text, URLs, and provide pre-defined placeholder fields, such as Property, Recipient Name, or Work Order No., to be filled in by the system when the email is sent. It is also possible to add attachments to emails.
These actions can generate emails immediately on or in a user-specified amount of time after the Activity:
When the system has been locked to run certain Housekeeping processes, the Auto-email service skips locked eSite databases.
There is an Auto-Email Audit report available to show user-specified Auto-Email Activity. The report can include all emails, successful emails only, or unsuccessful emails only. The report can be sorted by Property or Email Activity.
eService and eSite databases must reside on the same local machine or SQL server if you want to use Auto-Emails for Work Orders.
Setup Details
To set up Auto-Email, follow these steps.
In order for Auto-Email for Work Orders to function, the eService database and the eSite database must reside on the same local machine or SQL server.
In order to send an email to a resident or occupant their email address must be entered into the system. This means that if you close a work order for an eService location, instead of for a resident, then the system will be unable to send an email.
Permissions for Auto-Email
Permissions must be set in the System module to allow a user (administrator or manager) to set up Auto-Email Attachments, Auto-Email Templates, and Auto-Email Activities, and also to run the Auto-Email Audit report. Document Types must also be set up.
System—Security—Users—eSite—Setup—Global—Document Types
System—Security—Users—eSite—Setup—Global Setup—Auto-Email Attachments
System—Security—Users—eSite—Setup—Global Setup—Auto-Email Templates
System—Security—Users—eSite—Setup—Property Setup—Additional—Auto-Email Activities
System—Security—Users—eSite—Reports—Audit Reports—Auto-Email Audit
See Also
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