Make the following selections from the menu to display this page:
Reports—Tenant Reports—Tenant Profiles
This report shows tenant information about such items as leases, rent amounts, and account receivables for commercial properties (property type 6-Standard Commercial).
The name of this report and the menu item name are based on the Resident Long Name value on the property policy Property Names category for the property type associated with the current property. For example, if the value is "Tenant," the name of the report and the menu item are both "Tenant Profiles."
Select Properties
Click to select properties from the Select Properties pop-up. The report runs for all selected properties.
Include with Current:
Previous Tenants
Select this check box if you want the report to include tenants with a status of Previous. Or, leave this check box cleared to exclude them.
Select this check box if you want the report to include tenants with a status of Applicant. Or, leave this check box cleared to exclude them.
Waiting List Applicants
Select this check box if you want the report to include applicants with a status of Waiting List. Or, leave this check box cleared to exclude them.
Canceled Applicants
Select this check box if you want the report to include applicants with a status of Canceled. Or, leave this check box cleared to exclude them from the report.
Range of Tenants
Building From/To
You can print the report for a specific range of building numbers. Type the first (From) and last (To) building numbers in the desired range. Or click the arrows to select from a drop-down list.
Suite From/To
You can print the report for a specific range of suite numbers. Type the first (From) and last (To) suite numbers in the desired range. Or click the arrows to select from a drop-down list.
Income Code Restrictions for Charges (only if selected)
Click the Select Income Codes link and select an income code from the pop-up list, if desired. These income codes are used to filter Past Recurring Charges and Future Recurring Charges; Rent and Other Charges is not affected
Include Memo Details
Leave this check box selected if you want the report to include memo details. Or, clear this check box to exclude memo details from the report. For more information regarding memo details, refer to the Memos Report tab.
Notify From/Thru Date
These fields appear only when the Memos check box is selected. You can specify a range of notify dates for the memos to be included on the report. Type the first (From) and last (Thru) dates in the desired range. Or, click the Calendar button to select the dates.
Action From/Thru Date
These fields appear only when the Memos check box is selected. You can specify a range of action dates for the memos to be included on the report. Type the first (From) and last (Thru) dates in the desired range. Or, click the Calendar button to select the dates.
Effective From/Thru Date
These fields appear only when the Memos check box is selected. You can specify a range of effective dates for the memos to be included on the report. Type the first (From) and last (Thru) dates in the desired range. Or, click the Calendar button to select the dates.
Expiration From/Thru Date
These fields appear only when the Memos check box is selected. You can specify a range of expiration dates for the memos to be included on the report. Type the first (From) and last (Thru) dates in the desired range. Or, click the Calendar button to select the dates.
Group by Memos
Leave the box unchecked if you want all memos to print in the Memos section of the report. Or, select the check box if you want all memos to print in the appropriate sections: Memos, Recovery, Renewal, or Sales Memos.
Form Code
Select the check box for each memo form you want to include on the report. Or, use the Selected check box in the header of this section to select or clear all of the Form Code check boxes.
Include Lease Renewals
Select this check box if you want the report to include lease renewal information. Or, leave this check box cleared to exclude it. You can filter the information by a specific date range. Refer to Renewal Date From/Thru.
Renewal From/Thru Date
These fields appear only when the Lease Renewals check box is selected. Type the first (From) and last (Thru) dates in the desired date range. Or, click the Calendar button to select the dates.
Include Sales Detail
Select this check box if you want the report to include sales detail information. Or, leave this check box cleared to exclude it. You can filter the information by a specific period range. Refer to From/Thru Period.
From/Thru Date
These fields appear only when the Sales Detail check box is selected. Type the first (From) and last (Thru) dates for the desired date range.
Include Occupant Demographics
This field does not apply to commercial properties. This information appears on the Resident Profiles report only.
Include Household Demographics
This field does not apply to commercial properties. This information appears on the Resident Profiles report only.
Include Holdover
Select this check box if you want the report to include the Income code and Holdover percentage.
Include Insurance Certificates
Select this check box if you want the report to include the Begin Date, Expire Date, Certificate Received Date, Personal Injury Amount, and Liability Amount.
Include Future Recurring charges
Select this check box if you want the report to include recurring charges with a Pro-In Date/Charge Begins Date greater than the As Of Date specified on the Selected Properties tab.
Include Past Recurring Charges
Select this check box if you want the report to include recurring charges that have an Ends Date prior to the As Of Date specified on the Selected Properties tab.
Include Rebilling Escalations
Select this check box if you want the report to include rebilling escalations information.
Include CPI Escalations
Select this check box if you want the report to include CPI escalations information.
Include Signature section
Select this check box if you want the report to include a signature section (Prepared by and Date for two signors) for each property.
Include Additional Units
Select this check box if you want the report to include a section for additional units data to show if a lease occupies multiple beds/units, for example two semi-private rooms leased together as a private room.
This topic provides report details for commercial properties only; that is, properties with the property type set to 6-Standard Commercial.
If the Group by Memos option is selected, all memos associated with the lease print in the appropriate sections: Memos, Recovery, Renewal, or Sales Memos. Otherwise memos print in the Memos section of the report.
Suite (Bldg.)
The suite number. If building numbers are used, this column will also include the building number. For instance, the suite number would be displayed as Building Number–Suite Number.
The tenant lease status, based on the report Select Date entered on the Select Properties Grid. Status options include the following: Current, Previous, Leased.
The tenant's name or business name. For instance, Sandy Smith or Smith Shoes. Also includes up to three address lines, as well as city, state, zip code, and country.
Billing Address
The billing address where invoices should be sent to be paid. Also includes up to 3 address lines for billing address, as well as city, state, zip code, and country.
Lease Dates
A list of lease dates for this tenant, including Lease Signed, Lease Renewed, Occupy Date, Vacate Date, Start Billing, Stop Billing, Notice Given, Notice Cancelled, Expected Out.
Current Lease
Current lease information. Includes Lease Number, Lease Begins date, Lease Ends date, Term of lease, Type of lease, leasing Agent names, and Tracking ID.
Suite Information
Information about the suite. Includes Unit Type, Market Rent, Rent Type, $ per Sq. Ft.
Receivable Info
Accounts receivables information. Includes Beginning Balance, Billed, Paid, Ending Balance, Security Minimum, Security amount, Other amount, Late Notice type/fee, # Late, # Returns, Credit Status (ex: Normal), Invoices frequency (ex: Always).
Square Footage
The square footage for the tenant. Includes Useable Sq. Ft., Rentable Sq. Ft., Leasable Sq. Ft., User Def. Sq. Ft., Percent of Property.
Rent & Other Charges
Breakdown of rent and other charges. Includes rent Code, Amount, and Frequency. Also includes Active (Y/N), Begins and Ends dates, Next Due date, Item Code, Space, the Bill Monthly flag for past recurring charges, and Annual Amt/PSF.
Past Recurring Charges
Includes the Income Code, Amount, Frequency, Begins date, Ends date, Next Due date, Item Code, Space, the Bill Monthly flag for past recurring charges, and Annual Amt/PSF.
Future Recurring Charges
Includes the Income Code, Amount, Frequency, Begins date, Ends date, Next Due date, Item Code, Space, the Bill Monthly flag for future recurring charges and Annual Amt/PSF.
Memo details, if memos are associated with the tenant lease. Includes Form, Effective date, Expires date, Notify date, and Action date.
The Income code and Holdover percentage.
Insurance Certificates
The Begin Date, Expire Date, Certificate Received Date, Personal Injury Amount, and Liability Amount.
Lease Renewals
The code, amount, frequency, dates that the charges begin and end, Approved by, the dates the lease begins and ends and lease term, and Created by.
Renewal Memos
Renewal memo details, if renewal memos are associated with the tenant lease. Includes Form, Effective date, Expires date, Notify date, and Action date.
Sales Setup
Includes Sales Category, Sales Begin and Sales End dates, Sales Over (Breakpoint), Reporting Frequency, Days to Report, Annual Days to Report. Also includes Sales Percentages section (Sales From/Sales Thru, and Percent) and Sales Offsets section (Type, Code, Amount, Percent, Refund (Y/N), Maximum Percentage).
Sales History
Includes Sales Category, Year, Sales, # of Months, Area, Sales PSF, and % Change.
Sales Memos
Sales memo details, if sales memos are associated with the tenant lease. Includes Form, Effective date, Expires date, Notify date, and Action date.
Rebilling Escalation Information
The Group, Expense Table, Starting Date. Ending Date, Tenant Square Feet, Denominator, % Share, Last Calculated.
Recovery Memos
Recovery memo details, if recovery memos are associated with the tenant lease. Includes Form, Effective date, Expires date, Notify date, and Action date.
CPI Escalation Information
The Group, CPI Table, Starting Date, Base Period, and Frequency.
Includes signature lines for two signors: Prepared by and Date.
Display the Tenant Profiles Report
See Also
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