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Reports—Management Reports—Rent Roll Recap
This report summarizes activities posted during the current accounting period and provides useful Potential Rent and Unit Analysis sections at the end of the report detail.
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Activity for non-potential and non-receivable income codes set to Potential = N and Receivable = N.
Resident Billing
Billings, adjustments and forfeits posted to income codes set to Receivable = Y, listed as one income code per line.
The sum of transaction detail where the transaction type is Billing or Adjustment (1,2, or 9).
Total Billed
The sum of detail amounts. This amount includes all billing adjustments and forfeits posted to income codes with Receivable = Y in the current period.
This number ties to the Monthly Income Summary Report, Adjustments section, Property Total field only if there are no allowances. If allowances exist, then income codes can be tied out on an income code-by-income code basis.
This number also ties to the Reconciliation Report, Prior Period Adjustments + Current Period + Total Other Income. Again, only if there are no allowances. If allowances exist, then income codes can be tied out on an income code-by-income code basis.
Cash Received
The sum of transaction detail amounts where transaction type is Payment (3), income code type is not Security Deposit or Other Deposit, transaction header Return flag is blank and the transaction occurred within the current period.
Security Applied
The sum of transaction detail amounts where the transaction type if Forfeit (4).
The sum of all Payments, excluding Security Deposits, Other Deposits, and Returned Checks plus the sum of all Security Deposit forfeitures that occurred within the current period. This number is calculated as Cash Received + Security Applied.
This number ties to the second page of the Reconciliation Report, Rent Collections for the Period - Collected Deposits + Reconciliation - Forfeits by Code - Total Forfeits.
This number also ties to the Monthly Income Summary Report (Rent/Other - Bank Deposits) + Monthly Income Summary - (Security Deposit Forfeits + Other Deposit Forfeits).
Beg Past Due & PPD
The sum of the resident's beginning balances, past due and prepaid. Note, the Beginning Balance field is in the lease table and is used to maintain what the balance was at the beginning of the current period.
End Past Due & PPD
The sum of all the resident's ending balances, past due and prepaid. Note, the Ending Balance field is equivalent to the current balance.
Beginning Bal
This number is calculated as Ending Balance - Cash Received - Returned Checks + Security Forfeits + Security Refunds.
Cash Received
The sum of transaction detail amount where the transaction type is Payment (3), the income code type is Security Deposit or Other Deposit, the transaction header Return flag is blank and the transaction occurred within the current period.
Returned Checks
The sum of transaction detail amount where the transaction type is Payment (3), the income code type is Security Deposit or Other Deposit, the transaction header Return flag is blank and the transaction occurred within the current period.
Security Forfeits
The sum of transaction detail amount where the transaction type is Forfeit (4), the income code type is Security Deposit or Other Deposit, and the transaction occurred within the current period.
Security Refunded
The sum of transaction detail amount where the transaction type is Refund (5), the income code type is Security Deposit or Other Deposit and the transaction occurred within the current period.
Ending Balance
This number is calculated as Sec 1 On Hand + Sec 2 On Hand = Ending Balance.
This number ties to the Rent Roll Report, Total section, Total Deposits field.
Market Rent
The sum of all unit market rents, excluding Wait List and Construction units.
The sum of transaction detail amount where the transaction type is Payment (3), the income code type is not Security Deposit or Other Deposit, the transaction header Return flag is not blank, and the transaction occurred within the current period.
The sum of transaction detail amount where the transaction type is Misc Income (7), the income code type is Security Deposit or Other Deposit, the transaction header Return flag is not blank, and the transaction occurred within the current period.
The sum of transaction detail amounts where the transaction type is Payment (3), the income code type is Rent, and the transaction occurred within the current period.
The sum of transaction detail amount where the transaction type is Payment (3), the income code type is Security Deposit or Other Deposit, and the transaction occurred within the current period.
Misc Income
The sum of transaction details amounts where the transaction type is Misc Income (7), and the transaction occurred within the current period.
The sum of cash collected in the current period. This number is calculated as Rent + Non-Rent + Security + Misc Income.
This number ties to the Monthly Income Summary Report, Total Deposits field and to Bank Deposits - Property Total.
This number also ties to the second page of the Reconciliation Report, Total Actual Collections - Collected Deposits.
Other Potential Rent
Lost Rent by income code.
Lost Rent by income code.
Total of Lost Rent for the current period. This number ties to the Reconciliation Report, Lost Rent by Code - Total Lost Rent.
This number also ties to the Monthly Income Summary Report, Sum of Lost Rent by Code.
Adjustments to Prior Month
All Billings and Adjustments created in the current period but due to be paid in a previous period.
The sum of transaction detail amounts where the transaction type is Billing or Adjustment (1,2, or 9), the transaction due date is prior to the start of the current period, and the transaction occurred within the current period.
The sum of the detail.
Potential Rent Analysis Prior Month
The income code listed one line per code. For instance, VAC.
A brief description of the income code. For instance, Vacancy.
The sum of transaction detail amounts where the transaction type is Billing or Adjustment (1,2, or 9), the income code Potential = Y, the transaction occurred within the previous period but is due to be paid within the current period.
This percentage is calculated as (Amount/Total Gross Potential) X 100.
Total Gross Potential Rent
The sum of the detail.
Potential Rent Analysis Current Month
Potential Rent Analysis Current Month
Amounts for transactions created and due within the current period.
The income code listed one code per line. For instance, VAC.
A brief description of the income code. For instance, Vacancy.
The sum of transaction detail amount where the transaction type is Billing or Adjustment (1,2, or 9), the income code Potential = Y, the transaction was created within the current period and due to be paid within the same period.
This number is calculated as (Amount/Total Gross Potential Rent) X 100.
Total Gross Potential Rent
The sum of the detail.
Number of units within the property with an occupancy status of Occupied or Notice. This number excludes Down, Wait List, and Construction units. This number is calculated as Number of Occupied Units/Total Units = Total Percentage of Occupied Units.
Number of units within the property with an occupancy status of Vacant. This number excludes Down, Wait List, and Construction units. This number is calculated as Number of Vacant Units/Total Units = Total Percentage of Vacant Units.
Number of units within the property with an occupancy status of Down. This number is calculated as Number of Down Units/Total Units = Total Percentage of Down Units.
Total Units
A total count of the number of units within the property, excluding Wait List and Construction units.
Number of units within the property with a unit status of Construction.
Waiting List
Number of units within the property with a unit status of Wait List.
Number of units within the property with a unit status of Employee.
Number of units within the property with a unit status of Model.
Number of units within the property with a unit status of Other.
Special Use
The sum of Employee, Model and Other units. This number is calculated as Number of Special Use Units/Total Units = Total Percentage of Special Units.
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See Also
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