This tab displays when the Add Item
button is selected from the ePay
Setup Tab. Use it to set up a new ePay resident/tenant account.
A red asterisk ( * ) indicates a required field or selection.
Name *
This field defaults the first and last name of the primary occupant for the unit selected from the Select Resident/Tenant Setup Maintenance Tab. Accept the default or enter another name.
The status defaults to Active. Accept the default or select Inactive from the drop-down list. Only Active accounts are considered when ePay processes are run.
The resident/tenant address defaults from the resident/tenant address established on the Units Tab.
Route 1
Enter the bank routing number from the resident's/tenant's check.
Route 2
If available, enter a second bank routing number from the resident's/tenant's check.
Amount Type
Select the amount type of the resident/tenant payment: Fixed or Variable.
Fixed—creates a payment for the same amount each month equaling the sum of all charges as of the sign on date.
Variable—creates a payment for the resident's/tenant's outstanding balance at the time the batch is created. For more information, refer to Create Batch .
Amount *
Enter the amount to be drafted from the resident's/tenant's account each month. If the Amount Type is Fixed, the system defaults the recurring charges total amount in the field. If the Amount Type is Variable, the field is disabled.
The amount defaults to the resident's/tenant's monthly rent charge. Accept the default or enter another amount using the format 0000.00. Or use the Calculator Button to figure an amount.
System-maintained field used to spell out the amount entered in the Amount field. The system auto-updates this field when the value in the Amount field changes.
Bank Address1
Enter the name of the bank and primary address for the resident's/tenant's bank. Notice, three full lines are available for entering the necessary address information.
Bank Address2
Enter the name of the bank and primary address for the resident's/tenant's bank. Notice, three full lines are available for entering address information.
Bank Address3
Enter the name of the bank and primary address for the resident's/tenant's bank. Notice, three full lines are available for entering address information.
Transit# *
Enter the bank transit number. This number is on the check or supplied by the bank and must contain at least 9 digits.
Account# *
Enter the number of the bank account that will be drafted for the monthly payment.
Account Type *
The default type is Checking. Accept the default or use the drop-down to select Savings.
Draft Day *
Enter the day of the month to draft the payment from the resident's/tenant's bank account. For example, to draft on the 3rd, enter 03.
First Draft *
Enter the date of the first draft using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar Button to select a date. All following drafts revert to the day entered in the Draft Day field. The Day portion of this date must be the same as the Day in the Draft Day field. If not, the record cannot be saved.
This field is only used to cancel the automatic bank draft for the selected resident/tenant. You may enter a date in this field during the initial setup if the resident/tenant has specified an exact date when they would like to cancel the automatic bank draft. As a requirement, this date must be after the date entered in the First Draft field. If the system recognizes that this date is on or before the account Draft Date, the draft will not be allowed.
At Move Out, the system does not automatically update this field. A manual entry is required in order to stop the automatic draft from the resident's/tenant's account.
Last Draft
During initial setup, this field is blank. It is a system-maintained date indicating the last date that a draft was made from the resident's/tenant's account.
System-maintained field that shows whether or not a PreNote Listing Report has been run.
Yes—indicates this is either a new account or that the current account has somehow been modified and that a PreNote Listing Report needs to be run.
No—indicates that a PreNote Listing Report has already been run for this account, that no changes have been made, and that a new report does not have to be run at this time.
Date Setup
Once the ePay Setup Tab is completed and saved, the system enters the creation date and fills the field the next time you open the tab.
Date Change
System-maintained field used to track the date of the most recent change to the account.
See Also
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