Vendor Prerequisites 1099 Processing

Use vendors to create an association that gathers 1099 information. The association you want to create is between vendors being paid for invoices and the category of 1099 information. To create the association, select a 1099 category code for a vendor.

When the 1099 process is run, the 1099 category code on the invoice is used to summarize payments by 1099 category and vendor. The system categorizes that information, and then checks the Groups tab for the vendor to find the 1099 propertycompany group to which the vendor belongs. With that information, the system can trace the company and transmitter to which the propertycompany belongs and place the 1099 information in the transmitter-related file.


Use the 1099 Tab Vendors to assign 1099 category code to vendors. For more information, refer to 1099 Categories Overview.


When adding invoices, use the Invoices screen if you need to change the default 1099 category code prior to processing invoices.

See Also

Transmitter Prerequisites 1099 Processing

1099 Process Prerequisites