1099 Categories Overview

1099 categories are associated with the processing of 1099 forms. The categories that are available for selection in the grid are hard-coded into the system, because they are subject to federal regulations.

Setup Details

Setting up 1099 categories is optional. If you do not want to use the 1099 option, do not set up. When setting up, examine the available categories in the grid. Activate the categories that you intend to use for your vendors.

NOTE that the first entry, category N for Not 1099 Reportable, cannot be edited.

However, you can edit the Active field for the remainder of the categories. Active categories (Y) display in 1099 drop-down lists and are available for selection. Inactive categories (N) do not display in 1099 drop-down lists.

Setup Questions

Setup Questions

See Also

Set Up

1099 Categories Tab

1099 Tab Vendors

1099 Payer Tab

1099 Tab Vendors


Invoices Tab

1099 Categories Tab Setup

1099 Overview

Accounts Payable Overview

Setup Sequence