Setup Questions - Settings for Company/Entity Policy Groups

Questions in this section are intended to help you make decisions about your setup. The questions follow the pattern detailed in the field list that is associated with the task.

Field List

Refer to the following field list for more information: Settings Company/Entity Policy Groups.


  1. Print this topic. Right-click this topic to display a pop-up menu, and then select Print.
  2. Confirm that you have read the setup details on the topic.
  3. Answer each of the questions on this page.
  4. Use your answers to set up the system.
  5. Note that it is optional to set up more than one Policy Group. If you wish to set up more than one Policy Group, make a copy of this topic for each Policy Group you will set up.

Questions for Category: Job Cost

Track Jobs

Do I want to use Track Jobs?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, select the check box and then click the expand arrow to show settings. Use the questions below to note your choice for each setting.

—If no, remove the checkmark (if any). Default is unchecked.

Complete the following questions if you are using Track Jobs.

Post to closed Jobs - PO Entry

Which setting do I want to use?

Circle one:


—Allow with warning

—Do not allow

On the screen, make a selection from the drop-down box.

Post to closed Jobs - Invoice Entry

Which setting do I want to use?

Circle one:


—Allow with warning

—Do not allow

On the screen, make a selection from the drop-down box.

Post to closed Jobs - Job Cost Journal Entry

Which setting do I want to use?

Circle one:


—Allow with warning

—Do not allow

On the screen, make a selection from the drop-down box.

Post to closed Jobs - Billing Entry

Which setting do I want to use?

Circle one:


—Allow with warning

—Do not allow

On the screen, make a selection from the drop-down box.

Post to non-existent Phase and Cost Codes - PO Entry

Which setting do I want to use?

Circle one:


—Allow with warning

—Do not allow

On the screen, make a selection from the drop-down box.

Post to non-existent Phase and Cost Codes - Invoice Entry

Which setting do I want to use?

Circle one:


—Allow with warning

—Do not allow

On the screen, make a selection from the drop-down box.

Post to non-existent Phase and Cost Codes - Job Cost Journal Entry

Which setting do I want to use?

Circle one:


—Allow with warning

—Do not allow

On the screen, make a selection from the drop-down box.

Post to non-existent Phase and Cost Codes - Billing Entry

Which setting do I want to use?

Circle one:


—Allow with warning

—Do not allow

On the screen, make a selection from the drop-down box.

Allow Labor Cost Types on a PO

Do I want to allow Labor Cost Types on a PO?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a check mark.

—If no, remove the check mark (if any). Default is unchecked.

See Also

Company/Entity Policy Group Overview