Setup Questions Property Mailing Address Tab - Standard Setup

Questions in this section are intended to help you make decisions about your setup. The questions follow the pattern detailed in the field list that is associated with the task. A field list follows the questions should you need additional information to answer a question.


  1. Print this topic—one set of questions for each property you want to add. Right-click this topic to display a pop-up menu, and then select Print.
  2. Confirm that you have read the setup details on the topic.
  3. Answer each of the questions on this page.
  4. Enter a response or circle your answer. If circling, use a highlight marker to select an If statement that matches your response. The If statement tells you what you should do on the tab in the system.
  5. Use your answers to set up each property.


Questions for Property Mailing Tab

Same as main address

Is the mailing address for the property the same as the property address?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a check mark. Do not answer the remainder of the questions for this tab.

—If no, accept the default of no check mark. Complete the remainder of the questions.


What is the property mailing address?




Zip ____________City __________________State ______

Contact Title / First Name / M.I. / Last Name / Suffix

Who is the contact at the property mailing address?

Enter a title, first name, middle initial, last name, and suffix (for example, Sr.).



At what phone number can you reach the contact at the property mailing address?

Area code ________ Phone number:__________________


At what fax number can you reach the contact at the property mailing address?

Area code ________ Phone number:__________________


At what email address can you reach the contact at the property mailing address?

Enter an address: _________________________________



Setup Plan Introduction

Setup Sequence