Setup Plan Introduction—Standard Setup

Organization is the key to a smooth and successful system setup. Prior to actually setting up the system, please review the recommended supporting documentation, which will enable you to make informed decisions. Specific to each item being set up, this supporting documentation provides detail information on fields, the effect of policies, and concepts. Also provided are printable questionnaires—at the field-by-field detail level—on which you can note your setup decisions.

We suggest that you formulate a setup plan for your organization by considering the following recommendations:

The Setup Steps in Sequence topic contains more detail on each of these recommendations.

Reviewing Setup Steps in Sequence

Prior to starting, read Setup Steps in Sequence. This topic provides guidance intended to minimize the time it takes to complete system setup. It also provides insight on the information you need to have at hand when actually entering data into the system.


The sequence you use to set up the system is important because the selections you make on one tab affect other tabs. For example, GL accounts must be set up prior to bank accounts because you must be able to select a GL account on a bank account tab. Thus following the recommended setup sequence saves you some transition time from tab to tab. Following the sequence exactly is not absolutely necessary unless otherwise noted. The system is flexible enough to withstand deviation within a setup sequence.

Note that the Setup Steps in Sequence topic also indicates whether a setup is required. A few setups, Departments, for example, are optional. Departments can be set up at any time because they enhance, but are not central to, the running of the system.

Planning Policies Setup

Initially, we suggest that you pay particular attention to planning global and user policies.

Global Policies

Global policies allow business data to be processed in a consistent manner. Global policies affect the processing of batches, purchase orders, invoices, and checks. In addition, global policies are used to determine how the system will handle vendors and budgets. The Global Policies Overviewprovides setup details on policies and includes a set of questions that help you plan global policies for your business.

User Policies

Setting user policies allows you to customize user access in eFinancials and affects the selected user's ability to complete work. User policies are policies that are applied only to a selected user. These policies affect your users' abilities to work with purchase orders, invoice, checks, and vendors. The User Policies Overviewprovides setup details on user policies, and a set of questions that help you plan policies for each of your users.


As part of the setup process, please fax a copy of your global and user policies to Customer Support. With this information on hand, we can support your system more efficiently.

Planning the Remainder of the System

After you have global and user policies planned, you are ready to plan the remainder of your system. Supporting documentation and questionnaires are also available for the remaining items to be set up. Refer to Setup Steps in Sequence for details.

See Also

Setup Steps in Sequence

Policies and Setup Guide Introduction