Setup Questions for GL Account Maintenance Tab

Questions in this section are intended to help you make decisions about your setup. The questions follow the pattern detailed in the field list that is associated with the task. A field list follows the questions should you need additional information to answer a question.

Additional Information

Refer to the following topic for more information: GL Accounts Setup.


  1. Print this topic—one for each account that you want to add for an EntityCompany. Right-click this topic to display a pop-up menu, and then select Print.
  2. Confirm that you have read the setup details on the topic.
  3. Answer each of the questions on this page.
  4. Enter a response or circle your answer. If circling, use a highlight marker to select an If statement that matches your response. The If statement tells you what you should do on the tab in the system.
  5. Use your answers to set up each account that you want to add for an EntityCompany.

EntityCompany ID

What EntityCompany do I want to set up this account for?

Enter the EntityCompany name: ______________________________

Questions for Account Maintenance Tab

Account #

What is the account number?

Enter the number: __________________________________


What department is the account associated with?

Enter a department name: ___________________________


What is the account description?

Enter the description: _______________________________

Account Type

What is the account type?

Circle a type: (Not Set), Asset, Liability, Capital, Profit, Income, Expense.

Record Type

What is the record type for this account?

Circle a type: (Not Set), Heading, Detail, Total.

Control Type

What control type do you want to use for this account? Options are based on Account Type, and only for Record Type, Detail. Otherwise, this field does not appear.

Circle an option:

Asset: options are Not Set, AR Asset or AR Retainage.

Liability: options are Not Set, AP Liability or AP Retainage.

Post Flag

What post flag do you want to use for this account?

Circle an option: (Not Set), Normal, Closed.

Cash Flow Code

What cash flow code do you want to use for this account?

Circle a code: (Not Set), Cash, Profit, Source of Funds, Other.

Cash Group Code

If this is a Cash Account and the Record Type is Detail, you can associate a Cash Group Code with this account. Which Cash Group Code do you want to associate with this account?

Enter a Cash Group Code: ___________________________

Activate On

On what date do you want to activate the account?

Enter a date: ______________________________________

Track Unit?

Do you want to track the account total by units? This option is disabled when the Consolidated box is checked. Refer to Consolidated Reporting for more information.

Circle one: Optional, Required.

Job Related Flag

Do you want to track job-related information? If you select Yes, then job-related options appear below.

Circle one: Yes, No, Not Set (default).

Account Group

What Account Group do I want to set? Refer to the Account Maintenance Tab for more information. This field is not available unless the Job Related Flag is set to Yes.

Enter an Account Group: ______________________________________

Work Complete Flag

Is the work complete?  This is available only for Asset and Liability accounts and only if the Job Related Flag is set to Yes.

Circle one: Yes, No.

Work Complete Account #

What is the Asset or Liability account number for the completed work? Refer to the Account Maintenance Tab for more information. This field is not available unless the Job Related Flag is set to Yes. Also, it will not display unless the Work Complete Flag is checked.

Enter an Account #: ______________________________________

Posting Valid For:

Which of the following options is posting valid for? This field is not available unless the Job Related Flag is set to Yes.

Circle one or more: Administrative, Material, Subcontractor, Income, Equipment, Labor, Other.

Questions for the General Tab of Entities Setup

Retained Earnings

Do I need to enter this account number as the retained earnings general ledger account for this entity?

Circle one: Yes or No.

If yes, find the Setup Questionnaire for that entity and add the number in the retained earnings general ledger account blank.

See Also

GL Accounts Overview