Print Checks and Reports

Printing from the Check Runs Tab

  1. Locate the check run that you want to print. A check run must carry the status of Validated to be eligible for printing.
  2. Select the Print button in the Print column. The Print Checks Tab displays.
  3. Print the proof listing. This step is optional.
  4. Print checks and reports using the Print Checks Tab.

Printing the Proof Listing

  1. Confirm that you have completed the instructions Printing from the Check Runs Tab to display the Print Checks Tab.
  2. Locate and select the check box Print Proof Listing, and then select the Print Reports button. The report displays on screen in PDF format.
  3. Use the print capabilities of PDF to print the report.
  4. Close the PDF.
  5. Print checks and reports using the Print Checks Tab.

Printing from the Print Checks Tab

  1. Select the Print Checks button. The checks display on screen in PDF format.
  2. Use the print capabilities of PDF to print the checks.

    If you want to print on legal size forms, you must change the paper size. Refer to Print Checks Legal Size Forms for more information.
  3. Close the PDF. The following message displays: Did the checks print successfully?
  4. Inspect the checks.
  5. If the checks contain misprints, select the Reprint button.

    The system immediately displays a new PDF. Use the print capabilities of PDF to reprint the checks. Close the PDF and the system displays the following question again: Did the checks print successfully? Inspect the checks. If you are unsatisfied with the printing, select the Reprint button to reprint again.
  6. If the checks printed successfully, select the Yes button. The system checks to see if there are any advices to print. If there are remittance advices, the Print Advices button displays.
  7. Select the Print Advices button. A PDF version of the advices displays.
  8. Use the print capabilities of PDF to print the advices.
  9. Close the PDF.  
  10. Select the Print Proof Listing button and/or the Print Check Register check box.
  11. Select the Print Reports check box. The system displays the reports on screen in PDF format.
  12. Use the print capabilities of PDF to print the reports.
  13. Close the PDF.

    If you are printing checks and advices using multiple banks, the PDF for the next set of checks displays. Return to step 2 and complete the printing process again for this and successive sets of checks and advices. Refer to Printing Checks Using Multiple Banks for more information.

See Also

Check Runs Tab