Property Setup Periods Tab - Standard Setup

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Setup—Global Setup—Properties—Periods Tab or
—Setup—Properties—Periods Tab

Use this tab to edit accounting period information for a property.

This menu item is available for Standard Setup only.



Current Period

This field defaults to the current AP period based on the current system date. To change this, type another AP period (for example, 10 and 2009).


Click the Lookup icon to select a calendar for the property from the Select Calendar Tab.

A/P Posting Rule Entity and Calendar Info

These display-only fields show the entity and associated calendar for each entity the property posts to, based on the posting rules.


If posting rules are not setup, the A/P Posting Rule Entity and Calendar Info fields do not appear.


Current Period

This field defaults to the current AR period based on the current system date. To change this, type another AR period (for example, 10 and 2009).


Click the Lookup icon to select a calendar for the property from the Select Calendar Tab.

A/R Posting Rule Entity and Calendar Info

These display-only fields show the entity and associated calendar for each entity the property posts to, based on the posting rules.

NOTE that if posting rules are not setup, the A/R Posting Rule Entity and Calendar Info fields do not appear.



Click to stop without saving changes.


Click to save changes.

See Also

Properties Grid

Posting Rules Overview

Setup Questions Periods and Banks Tabs

Setup Plan Introduction

Setup Sequence