Subclass Grid

Make the following menu selections to display this grid:

Inventory—Setup—Inventory Codes—Subclass

Use this menu item to add Subclass Inventory Codes to the system.

Inventory Codes are used with Inventory functions. Refer to Setup Questions for additional information.


ClosedGrid Fields

The following fields and buttons appear on the grid that displays when you select the menu option.

Add Subclass

Click the button to add a new Subclass User Code.  Refer to instructions later in this topic for information on how to add a Subclass.


Class Code

The Class user code that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list or click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.

The Class user code for the Subclass must be set up prior to setting up the Subclass.

Class Description

The description of the Class that appears on lists and in reports. Click the column title to sort the list or click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.

Subclass Code

The Subclass user code that appears on lists and in reports. These are Subclass user codes that have been set up already. Click the link to open the Subclass user code for editing.

Click the column title to sort the list or click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.

Subclass Description

The description of the Subclass that appears on lists and in reports. Click the column title to sort the list or click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.


Use the Delete button to delete a Subclass.

Add Subclass

Click the Add Subclass button and this page opens. Use this page to add a Class, Subclass Code, and Subclass Description, which will then appear on the Subclass grid and also for use in the system for Inventory functions after you save.

NOTE that a red dot indicates a required field or selection.

Add/Edit Fields


An identification label for Class. This ID appears on lists and in reports.

Enter a label for Class or click the lookup icon and then select a Class from the Select Class pop-up that appears.

An example of a Class would be "Flooring".

Subclass Code

An identification label for the Subclass. This ID appears on lists and in reports.

Continuing the example, enter "Premium".

Subclass Description

Enter a description for the Subclass user code just entered.

Continuing the example, enter "Premium Grade".


ClosedTo Add or Edit a Subclass

  1. Select Inventory—Setup—Inventory Codes—Subclassand then click Subclass.
  2. Click in the Class field, enter a code for the Class that applies to the Subclass that you are adding.
    Or, click the lookup and then select a Class from the Select Class pop-up that appears.
  3. To add a code, in the Subclass Code/Descriptionfields, enter a code and a description for the code in the appropriate fields.
    To edit a code, make changes to the Code/Description table as needed.
  4. Click in the Subclass Description field, and then enter a description for the Subclass.
  5. Click Save.


When you save, two things happen:

The Inventory—Setup—Inventory Codes submenu refreshes to show any changes to the label of the default User Code.

The Codes/Descriptions you added/edited in the table are saved as options for the various lookups in Setup—Global Setup Item Master.

ClosedTo Delete a Subclass

  1. Select Inventory—Setup—Inventory Codes—Subclassand then click Subclass.
  2. Use Filter buttons in the grid header, if necessary, to locate the Subclass you want to delete.
  3. Click the Delete button in the Delete column. The Subclass is deleted immediately from the grid.
  4. Click Save to save the deletion.

NOTE that if data exists for that Subclass, you will not be able to delete it.

See Also

User Codes - Associated Pages


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