CO: Sales Tax Code List

Make the following menu selections to display this page:

eFinancials—Reports—Common Reports—Sales Tax Code List or
ePO—Sales Tax Code List

Use this page to print a list of Sales Tax Codes.

This report is available to be printed in a Series of Reports.

ClosedReport Description

This report provides a list of Sales Tax Codes information, including the following:

Sales Tax Code, for example: ALB

State, for example: NY

Jurisdiction, for example: NY 2

Type of tax, for example: County, State, Local

Description, for example: State of NY sales tax

Percent for the sales tax, for example: 7.00

Maximum Tax amount, for example: 999,999.00

Taxable Cost Types, for example: Administrative, Equipment, Labor, Material, Other, Subcontractor

Tax ID Number, for example: 55-1234567

The source of the information appearing on this report is Sales Tax Codes setup.

ClosedTo Print the Report

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Reports—Common Reports—Sales Tax Code List.
  2. At the From Tax Code field, click the Lookup icon to open a pop-up and select the starting Tax Code for the range you want to see on the report.
  3. At the Thru Tax Code field, use the Lookup icon to open a pop-up and select the ending Tax Code for the range you want to see on the report.
  4. At From State, click in the field and select a state from the drop-down list that appears. This is the starting state for the range of states you want to see on the report.
  5. At Thru State, click in the field and select a state from the drop-down list that appears. This is the ending state for the range of states you want to see on the report.
  6. At Report Format, select one of the following report printing options:
  7. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.


ClosedEffect of Permissions

User security permissions must be granted in the System module to access this menu item.

System—Security—Users—eFinancials—Reports—Common Reports—Sales Tax Code List

See Also

Reports Introduction

Sales Tax Codes Setup