Create Positive Pay File

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Create Positive Pay File

Use this tab to create a positive pay file to transmit to your bank. Refer to Positive Pay Overview  for more information.


The following fields appear on the tab:

Positive Pay ID

Select a Positive Pay ID from the drop-down list. These are established on the Setup Positive Pay form. The grid updates to show Bank Account IDs for the selected Positive Pay ID.

check box (select all)

Click the top check box and all Bank Account IDs shown will become selected. Or, in the column, check only the box(es) for the Bank Account IDs for which you want to create the Positive Pay file.

Bank Account ID

Displays the Bank Account IDs for which you can create the Positive Pay file. Use the check box column or select all check box to select only the Bank Account IDs for which you want to create the Positive Pay file.


The Bank Account ID description that appears on lists and in reports.

Check Number From/Thru

The check number range for checks to be included in the Positive Pay file. The default check number range is all check numbers up to 9999999999.

Or, specify a check number range and then only checks in the range are included in the Positive Pay file.

Check Date From/Thru

The check date range for checks to be included in the Positive Pay file. Only checks in the range are included in the Positive Pay file. Accept the default or edit the date range.

The defaults are:

Check Date From—The last time Positive Pay was run for that Positive Pay ID and a file was created. Note that the From date refreshes immediately to the current date once the file is created and downloaded.

Check Date Thru—The Login Date.

You can also use the Calendar Buttons to select dates.

Create File

Click to create the Positive Pay file.


To Create a Positive Pay File

  1. Create a check run and then print the checks.
  2. Select Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Create Positive Pay File.
  3. Use the field list above to help you select options to complete the Create Positive Pay File form.
  4. When done, click Create File. A success message displays that indicates how many records were created.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In the pop-up that displays you are prompted to use buttons to open the Positive Pay file or save it as a zip file. Note that the Save button provides these options: Save, Save as, or Save and open.
  7. If the number of records is exceeded in one file, the system will create an additional file within the .zip.
  8. If you set up the Positive Pay ID to create separate files for bank accounts the zip may contain multiple files.
  1. Submit the zip file to your bank.

See Also

Positive Pay Overview

Positive Pay Grid

Positive Pay Setup Form

Filter Button