Setup Positive Pay

The Setup Positive Pay form appears when you click Add Positive Pay or click the Positive Pay ID from the Setup Positive Pay Formats grid.

Use this tab to set up and edit Positive Pay formats.

Refer to Positive Pay Grid for procedures for adding, editing, and deleting Positive Pay formats.


Complete or edit fields based on the Positive Pay format that you obtain from your bank.


A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field or selection. The following fields appear on the tab:

Positive Pay ID *

Enter an alphanumeric Positive Pay ID. This ID appears on lists and in reports.

Description *

The text description of the Positive Pay format; for example, National Region Bank Format II.

Record Limit

Enter a number for record limit, which defines the maximum number of detail records in the file.

File Type

Select Fixed or Delimited from the drop-down list for the file type.


If you selected Delimited above, this field appears. Select a delimiter from the drop-down list. Options include comma, tab, semicolon, and space.

Process Method

Accept the default of Check/Void Date if you want the Payment or Void date to be used in the Positive Pay file. Select the Accounting Date option if you want the Date of Record to be used in the Positive Pay file. This allows checks voided at a later date to be included with the Transaction date.

Separate Files for Bank Accounts

Accept the default of checked if you want separate files to be created for each bank account when you create the Positive Pay file. Otherwise, delete the check to allow one file to be created that includes all bank accounts.

Process Method

Accept the default of Check/Void Date if you want the Payment or Void date to be used in the Positive Pay file. Select the Accounting Date option if you want the Date of Record to be used in the Positive Pay file. This allows checks voided at a later date to be included with the Transaction date.

Show Header Records

This defaults as checked so that the header record fields display. Uncheck the box and the header record fields are hidden.

Header Records

These fields display when the Show Header Records check box is checked. Use the file format from your bank to determine how to set up the header record fields.


As you select fields for a record, other fields for the same record may become unavailable (or available).


The display-only sequence number for the record.

Start Pos

The display-only start position for the record.


Enter a numeric value to specify the length of the value for this record. If the information provided is longer than the specified length, when the file is created the value will be truncated. All valid lines must have a length. When you enter a value into the Length field, a new entry line appears. Any record without a length is disregarded when the Positive Pay format is saved.

For example,  if you specify a Data Field with the Field Name "Bank Account Number" with a Length of 10, a bank account number with more than 10 characters will be truncated when the Positive Pay file is created.


Select Data field or Constant from the drop-down list. Data fields are selected at Field Name. Constant values are entered into the Default field.

Field Name

Select a field name from the drop-down list. Options include Bank Account Number, Bank Name, Current Date, Routing Number. This field is unavailable if you selected Constant for Source.


Select the type that applies to this record from the drop-down list. Options include Alphanumeric, Numeric, Money with Decimal, Money without Decimal, Date.

Date Format

Select a date format from the drop-down list, if applicable. Options include MMddyyyy, MMddyy, etc. This field is only available if you selected Current Date for the Field Name field.


Enter a filler character, which is used to fill leading or trailing blank spaces, depending on Type.


This field is only available if you selected Constant for Source. Enter character(s) into this field based on Type selected earlier.

Detail Records

These fields display when the Show Detail Records check box is checked. Use the file format from your bank to determine how to set up the detail record fields.


As you select fields for a record, other fields for the same record may become unavailable (or available).


The display-only sequence number for the record.

Start Pos

The display-only start position for the record.


Enter a numeric value to specify the length of the value for this record. If the information provided is longer than the specified length, when the file is created the value will be truncated. All valid lines must have a length. When you enter a value into the Length field, a new entry line appears. Any record without a length is disregarded when the Positive Pay format is saved.

For example,  if you specify a Data Field with the Field Name "Bank Account Number" with a Length of 10, a bank account number with more than 10 characters will be truncated when the Positive Pay file is created.


Select Data field or Constant from the drop-down list. Data fields are selected at Field Name. Constant values are entered into the Default field.

Field Name

Select a field name from the drop-down list. Options include Bank Account Number, Check Amount, Check Date, Check Number, Current Date, Payment Line Description, Routing Number, Vendor Address, Vendor City, Vendor ID, Vendor Full Address, Vendor Name, Vendor State, Vendor Zip Code, Void Indicator.* This field is unavailable if you selected Constant for Source.

*If you select Void Indicator, please refer below to note for Type.


Select the type that applies to this record from the drop-down list. Options include Alphanumeric, Numeric, Money with Decimal, Money without Decimal, Date, Wells Fargo Tran Code, Chase Tran Code.


For Field Name Void Indicator there are special requirements for Type. Only two Void Indicator types are hard coded. If you select one of the hard coded Void Indicators, do not select a Type or enter a value into the Default field. The system is hard coded to supply appropriate values based on context. The hard coded options are:

Wells Fargo Tran Code—The system is hard coded to supply a value of 320 (Regular Check) or 370 (Cancel or Reversal).

Chase Tran Code—The system is hard coded to supply a value of I (Issued Check) or C (Voided or Canceled check).

Otherwise, if you chose Void Indicator, then select Alphanumeric or Numeric for Type and then enter a value into the Default field.

Date Format

Select a date format from the drop-down list, if applicable. Options include MMddyyyy, MMddyy, etc. This field is only available if you selected a date-related option for the Field Name field.


Enter a filler character, which is used to fill leading or trailing blank spaces, depending on Type.


This field is only available as a Void indicator or if you selected Constant for Source. Enter character(s) into this field based on Type selected earlier.

Total Records

These fields display when the Show Total Records check box is checked. Use the file format from your bank to determine how to set up the total record fields.


As you select fields for a record, other fields for the same record may become unavailable (or available).


The display-only sequence number for the record.

Start Pos

The display-only start position for the record.


Enter a numeric value to specify the length of the value for this record. If the information provided is longer than the specified length, when the file is created the value will be truncated. All valid lines must have a length. When you enter a value into the Length field, a new entry line appears. Any record without a length is disregarded when the Positive Pay format is saved.

For example,  if you specify a Data Field with the Field Name "Bank Account Number" with a Length of 10, a bank account number with more than 10 characters will be truncated when the Positive Pay file is created.


Select Data field or Constant from the drop-down list. Data fields are selected at Field Name. Constant values are entered into the Default field.

Field Name

Select a field name from the drop-down list. Options include Bank Account Number, Bank Name, Current Date, Routing Number, Total Number of Checks, Total Amount, Total Records. This field is unavailable if you selected Constant for Source.


Select the type that applies to this record from the drop-down list. Options include Alphanumeric, Numeric, Money with Decimal, Money without Decimal, Date.

Date Format

Select a date format from the drop-down list, if applicable. Options include MMddyyyy, MMddyy, etc. This field is only available if you selected a date-related option for the Field Name field.


Enter a filler character, which is used to fill leading or trailing blank spaces, depending on Type.


This field is only available if you selected Constant for Source. Enter character(s) into this field based on Type selected earlier.

Footer Records

These fields display when the Show Total Records check box is checked. Use the file format from your bank to determine how to set up the total record fields.


As you select fields for a record, other fields for the same record may become unavailable (or available).


The display-only sequence number for the record.

Start Pos

The display-only start position for the record.


Enter a numeric value to specify the length of the value for this record. If the information provided is longer than the specified length, when the file is created the value will be truncated. All valid lines must have a length. When you enter a value into the Length field, a new entry line appears. Any record without a length is disregarded when the Positive Pay format is saved.

For example,  if you specify a Data Field with the Field Name "Bank Account Number" with a Length of 10, a bank account number with more than 10 characters will be truncated when the Positive Pay file is created.


Select Data field or Constant from the drop-down list. Data fields are selected at Field Name. Constant values are entered into the Default field.

Field Name

Select a field name from the drop-down list. Options include Bank Account Number, Bank Name, Current Date, Routing Number, Total Number of Checks, Total Amount, Total Records. This field is unavailable if you selected Constant for Source.


Select the type that applies to this record from the drop-down list. Options include Alphanumeric, Numeric, Money with Decimal, Money without Decimal, Date.

Date Format

Select a date format from the drop-down list, if applicable. Options include MMddyyyy, MMddyy, etc. This field is only available if you selected a date-related option for the Field Name field.


Enter a filler character, which is used to fill leading or trailing blank spaces, depending on Type.


This field is only available if you selected Constant for Source. Enter character(s) into this field based on Type selected earlier.


Click to exit without creating a Positive Pay file.


Click to save the Positive Pay file.

See Also

Positive Pay Overview

Positive Pay Grid

Setup Introduction