Move Documents

Make the following selections from the menu to display this tab:

eFinancials—Special—Utilities—Move Documents and

ePO—Special—Utilities—Move Documents

Use this utility to copy Documents in folders to the database. It also provides a way to migrate previously-stored documents from the database to the file location specified in the global policies Other tab.

The utility function depends on the setting for the global policy Store Saved Documents in folder:


The utility moves Documents from the database to the folders, but copies from folders to the database.

Refer to Storing Documents for more information.

ClosedTo Move Documents

  1. Verify the setting for the global policy Store Saved Documents in folder. How this utility works depends on this setting, as stated above.
  2. From the menu, select Special—Utilities—Move Documents.
  3. Click Process. A confirmation message appears when the process is completed.

Effect of Global Policies

See Also

Utilities Overview

Documents Tab