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Job Cost—Reports—Job Cost Reports—Lien Waiver Control
Use this page to print the Lien Waiver Control report.
This report can be printed as part of a Series of Reports.
The report prints Lien Waiver information based on selection criteria, which includes selected Companies (Simplified Setup) / Entities (Standard Setup), Job range, Vendor range, Lien Waiver range, statuses, and whether to include all Lien Waivers or only Unprinted Lien Waivers.
The sort for the report varies based on selection criteria: Lien Waiver Number (default), Vendor, or Job. The report starts on a new page for each Company (default), Vendor or Job, based on selection criteria.
The report shows Lien Waiver Number, Check Number, Check Date, Job Number/Name, Vendor ID/Name, Lien Waiver Format, Joint Payee, Check Amount, amount for This Job, Date Returned, and Status (Outstanding, Wasted/Lost/Void, or Returned).
Select EntitiesCompanies(button)
Click the button and select the entitiescompanies for which you want to print the report and click Save.
Sort By
Select an option to sort by on the report:
Lien Waiver Number (default) - When selected, each EntityCompany starts on a new page.
Vendor - Select this option and the New Page Per Vendor (check box) appears. Check the box when you want each Vendor to start on a new page.
Job - Select this option and the New Page Per Job (check box) appears. Check the box when you want each Job to start on a new page.
From Job / Thru Job
Use the Lookup icon for each field to enter a starting and ending entry for the
To run the report for only one Job, select the same entry for the From and Thru fields.
From Vendor / Thru Vendor
Use the Lookup icon for each field to enter a starting and ending entry for the
To run the report for only one Vendor, select the same entry for the From and Thru fields.
From Lien Waiver / Thru Lien Waiver
Use the Lookup icon for each field to enter a starting and ending entry for the
To run the report for only one Lien Waiver, select the same entry for the From and Thru fields.
Include Printed Lien Waivers (check box)
Checked (default) - Printed and unprinted Lien Waivers print in the report.
Unchecked - Only unprinted lien waivers print in the report.
Statuses to Include (check boxes)
Select the statuses to include on the report. All options are checked by default:
Report format
Select a format for the report. Options are PDF or Spreadsheet.
See Also
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