Invoice Authorization Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Accounts Payable—Transactions—Invoice Authorization

Use this tab to authorize invoices. When the grid displays, the list of invoices includes all of the invoices that are eligible for payment for the selected propertycompany. Using this tab, you can authorize all invoices or some invoices for payment. Prior to authorization, you can display the detail lines making up an invoice.

If your security settings allow you to modify invoices, then clicking on the invoice number opens the Edit Invoice page. Otherwise, the Invoice Inquiry page appears. To determine your security permissions, place your cursor over the Inv# link. Either Edit invoice or View invoice will appear, indicating your permissions.


You can unauthorize an authorized, unpaid invoice from the Invoices tab.



The following links, fields, and buttons appear on the page that displays when you select the menu option.

Current Settings Link

Click this link to display the Quick Popup and select a date, batch, and companydate, batch, company, and entity.


Current PropertyCompany

The propertycompany you currently have selected. Select another propertycompany from the drop-down list. The invoices associated with that propertycompany display in the grid below.

Find [Column Title]

This field defaults to INV#; however, if you click any underlined grid column title, the field label changes to reflect your selection. You can then search for entries based on the field label. For example, if you know the invoice description, click the Description column title and the find field label changes to Find Description.

Enter the first few letters or numbers to search for (or select from a drop-down list if one displays), and then select the Find button. The items that are the nearest match to your entry display in the grid below. Click column titles to sort the list further.

Select All

This option is selected by default and as a result the system selects all invoices for authorization automatically. Click the Select All box if you want to de-select all invoices. You can then select individual invoices for authorization by selecting their individual boxes in the Authorize column of the grid.  

Go Button

Use the Page field and the Go Button to display additional pages when the list of entries in the grid is longer than one page.


Inv #

The invoice number that appears on lists and in reports. Select the invoice number link in this column to display the invoice detail lines making up an individual invoice. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field. Click a number link to display the inquiry detail tab.

Invoice Date

The date the invoice was created. The date appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.


The invoice header date. The date can be earlier than the Created date for backdated invoices. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.

Vendor ID

The vendor identification that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.

Short Name

The short name of the vendor that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.


The description of the invoice that appears on lists and in reports. Click the column title to sort the list and change the Find field.


The total amount of the invoice. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.


Click the icon to open the Documents tab.


Select the check box to authorize the invoice for payment. To select all invoices at one time, select the Select All check box in the header.

Selected Invoices Total

Shows a running total amount of invoices selected on all pages of the grid.


Print Selected Invoices Report

Click to print the  Selected Invoices Report, which prints a report showing Invoices selected for authorization on the Invoice Authorization grid. The report is sorted by Vendor ID and then by Invoice. The report shows Invoice #, Invoice Date, Due Date, Description, Vendor ID, Name, Invoice Amount, Total for Vendor and Total for Selected Invoices.

Update Authorization

After selecting invoices to authorize for payment, click to put the invoices through the authorization process, which creates a voucher to maintain an audit trail and makes them eligible for selection during Check Entry. The process is designed to allow you to select invoices on one or more pages and authorize them all when you click Update Authorization.


ClosedTo Review Invoice Details

  1. Select a PropertyCompany from the Current PropertyCompany drop-down list.
  2. Locate the invoice for which you want to examine the details.
  3. Select the invoice number link in the Inv# column. The invoice details display.

ClosedTo Authorize All Invoices for Payment

  1. Select a PropertyCompany from the Current PropertyCompany drop-down list.
  2. Examine the invoices in the grid and confirm that you want to authorize all of the invoices for payment.
  3. Click Select All. The system adds a check mark beside each invoice in the Authorize column.
  4. Click Update Authorization. The system puts all invoices on all pages through the authorization process, creates a voucher to maintain an audit trail, and makes invoices eligible for selection during Check Entry.

ClosedTo Authorize Some Invoices for Payment

  1. Select a PropertyCompany from the Current PropertyCompany drop-down list.
  2. Identify the invoices in the grid that you want to authorize for payment.
  3. Click the check box in the Authorize column beside the invoices you want to authorize for payment. The system adds a checkmark to each box you click.
  4. Click Update Authorization. The system puts all selected invoices on all pages through the authorization process, creates a voucher to maintain an audit trail, and makes the selected invoices eligible for selection during Check Entry.

ClosedTo Print the Print Selected Invoices Report

  1. Select a PropertyCompany from the Current PropertyCompany drop-down list.
  2. Identify and select the invoices in the grid that you want to authorize for payment.
  3. Click Print Selected Invoices Report. The report opens in PDF format.
  4. Use the print capabilities of PDF to print the report, if desired.

See Also

Accounts Payable Introduction

Invoices Tab