Estimated Cost and Hours Report  - JC

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

Job Cost—Reports—Job Cost Reports—Estimated Cost and Hours

Use this page to print the Estimated Cost and Hours report.

This report can be printed as part of a Series of Reports.

ClosedReport Description

The Estimated Cost and Hours report prints for all currently selected EntitiesCompanies in EntityCompany ID order.

It is used to show a Job's current status of costs and hours that are incurred as of a cutoff date, compared to an estimate. The cutoff date amounts are subtracted from the estimates and shown as the remaining amounts.

You can select to print the report for the Jobs, Phases, and Cost Codes you identify. You can also include unapproved transactions.

The report is intended for Project Management and top managers to be used as a detailed review.

ClosedTo Print the Report

Refer to Job Costing Reports Questions or the Reports Questions Matrix for more information about the questions.

  1. From the Job Cost menu, select Reports—Estimated Cost and Hours.
  2. Click Select EntitiesCompanies. Select the EntitiesCompanies for which you want to print the report and click Save.
  3. From the Cut Off Date field, use the electronic calendar to select a date, if desired. The default cut off date is the future date of 12/31/9999.
  4. Select an option for Include Jobs.
    Options are: Open and Closed (default), Open, Closed.
    If you select Closed, enter From and Thru dates in the new fields that appear.
  5. (Optional) For the various From and Thru fields (for Job, Phase, and Cost), use the Lookup icon for each field to enter a starting and ending entry for the range.
    To run the report for only one Job, Phase, or Cost Type, select the same entry for the From and Thru fields.
  6. Select check boxes for all cost categories you want to include on the report. Options include: All (default), Admin, Labor, Equipment, Material, Subcontract, Other.
  7. At Include which cost activities, select an option:
    All (default)
    All activities with postings between
    Only activities with postings between.
  8. Select a Printing format for the report:
    Job totals, phase totals, and cost activity detail (default)
    Job totals only
    Job totals and phase totals
    Job totals and cost activity detail.
  9. Check or uncheck check boxes, as applicable, to define how you want the report to print. Options include:

    New page for each job
    - default is unchecked. Check the box if you want to print a new page for each job.

    Select jobs by code
    - When checked, a list of User Codes with Lookups appear so that you can select one or more active Job Cost User Codes to report on. Refer to the list of Default User Code labels for Job Cost for more information.

    Include unapproved transactions
    - Check the box to include unapproved transactions in the report. Uncheck to report on only approved transactions.
  10. Select one of the following report printing options:
  1. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.

See Also

Reports Introduction