Create ACH File Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Create ACH File

Use this tab to create an ACH file for electronic payments. This file is submitted to your bank to process payments. The file is created for remittance data that is added to the system for a check run.


If you cancel a check run, use the Reset ACH Created Flag utility to reset the check run when you want to recreate and then reprocess the ACH file.


Bank Account

Select a bank account from the drop-down list. The check runs for the bank account display in the grid below. Only check runs that have not been included in a previous ACH file display.

Payment Date

The date on which funds are withdrawn from the bank account.

Accept the default date, or enter another date using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar Button to select a date.

Entry Description

Enter a description for the file.

Header Comment

Enter an up to 20-character free-form comment about the ACH file.

File ID Modifier

The ACH file identification, which is used to distinguish between multiple ACH files.

The field defaults to A for the creation of one ACH file. Accept the default or enter B if you are creating two or more ACH files.

Debit AP Account

Select this option when you want the ACH file to include a debit record for the total of the check run. For some banks, having this total is a requirement.

Settlement Date (blank if not checked)

This box defaults as unchecked. Check this box when you want the ACH file to include the check settlement date in the Settlement Date field of the ACH file. If the box is unchecked, the Settlement Date field is blank in the ACH file.

The settlement date is the date on which the exchange of funds with respect to an entry is reflected on the books of a federal reserve bank.


The Settlement Date in the file is in Julian date format, not calendar date format.

Check Run ID

The system-assigned identification of the check run. Click this column title to sort the list.

Check Date

The date appearing on checks in the check run. Click this column title to sort the list.

Deposit Amount

The total amount of the direct deposits in the check run. Click this column title to sort the list.

# of Deposits

The number of deposits included in the check run. A direct deposit advice prints for each deposit. Click this column title to sort the list.


Click this box for each check run that you want to include in the ACH file.


This field defaults to Check Run ID; however, if you click any underlined grid column title, the field label changes to reflect your selection. You can then search for check runs based on the field label. For example, if you know the check date, click the Check Date column title and the find field label changes to Find Check Date.

Enter the first few letters or numbers to search for or select from a drop-down list, and then select the Find button. The items that are the nearest match to your entry display in the grid below. Click column titles to sort the list further.


Use this button to display additional pages when the list of entries is longer than one page.

Create ACH File

Click to create the ACH file after you include check runs. For more information, refer to the Include field description. Note that a message displays about the Reset ACH Created Flag utility, used when a check run is cancelled but needs to be recreated.

ClosedTo Create ACH Transmittal File

  1. From the Bank Account drop-down list, select a bank account. The check runs that have remittance data for that bank displays in the grid (the grid includes deposits that have not been transmitted to the selected bank via ACH).
  2. Use the Fields list to complete the remainder of the fields appearing on this tab.
  3. Select the Include check box for each check run that you want to include in the ACH file.
  4. Click Create ACH File. ACH detail records are used to create an ACH file for the selected check runs. The file is added to your workstation. Note that the file you are creating overwrites the existing file.


A message displays to indicate that you can cancel a check run and use the Reset ACH Created Flag utility to reset the check run when you want to recreate and then reprocess the ACH file.

  1. Search for a file name that is composed of the bank name plus the following: ach.txt
  2. Submit this file to your bank.

See Also

Reset ACH Created Flag

Payments from Bank Accounts

Accounts Payable Introduction