Check Run Proof Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Check Run Proof

Use this tab to print cash requirements (proofs) for all check runs with a status of Selected or Validated. Four views of the reports are available:


Check Run Proof reports print data only for propertiescompanies to which you have access. It does not include records generated by printing sample checks from the Setup Bank Accounts Grid.  

When the setting for Outstanding Lien Waiver on the Vender Setup General tab is set to any status other than "Never warn, when applicable, a message prints on the report to warn of outstanding Lien Waivers for the Vendor.

ClosedSelection Criteria

Report Type

Select the version of the report you want to view:

Summary — shows all unposted check runs for all propertiescompanies.

Detail by PropertyCompany — shows all selected check runs for all propertiescompanies.

Detail by Bank — shows all check runs for the selected banks.

Detail by Check Run ID — shows all items for a specific check run. This is the default.

Select PropertiesCompanies

This button is available only when the selected Report Type is Summary, Detail by PropertyCompany, or Detail by Check Run ID. Click to select propertiescompanies from the tab that opens. The report runs for all selected propertiescompanies.

Select Banks

This button is available only when the selected Report Type is Detail by Bank. Click to select the banks for which you want to run the report.

Check Run ID      

This field appears when the selected Report Type is Detail by Check Run ID. Type the Check Run ID for which you want to view the report, or use the Lookup icon to select a Check Run ID.

PDF / Create Spreadsheet

Select the desired report format.


Click to cancel without saving changes.


 Click to run the report based on the selected criteria.

ClosedReport Details - Check Run Proof Summary

This report shows all unposted check runs for the selected propertiescompanies. This report is sorted by propertycompany. The report is formatted with a page break between propertiescompanies.



The PropertyCompany ID and Name for the propertycompany shown.


The Bank name and ID

Check Run ID

The ID of the check run shown in the report line.


The amount to pay for the check run.


The status for the check run (Selected or Validated).


PropertyCompany Total

For each propertycompany, the report shows the total Amount for all of the property'scompany's check runs.

Grand Total

The report shows the total Amount for all propertiescompanies.


ClosedReport Details - Check Run Proof Detail by PropertyCompany

This report shows all selected check runs for the selected propertiescompanies. This report is sorted first by propertycompany, then by vendor, and then by invoice. The report is formatted with a page break between propertiescompanies.



The PropertyCompany ID for the propertycompany shown.


The vendor ID and name.


The invoice number for the invoice shown in the line.

Invoice Date

The date for the invoice.

Due Date

The due date for the invoice.


The expense code for the invoice.


The purchase order ID for the invoice.

Check Run ID

The ID of the check run shown in the report line.

Outstanding Balance

The total outstanding balance for the invoice.

Amount to Pay

The total amount to pay for the invoice.


The status for the invoice. (Selected or Validated).

Revised Amount

This space is provided for you to write in the revised amount to pay for the invoice.


Vendor Total

For each vendor, the report shows the total Outstanding Balance and Amount to Pay for all of the vendor's invoices.

PropertyCompany Total

For each propertycompany, the report shows the total Outstanding Balance and Amount to Pay for all vendors.

Grand Total

This field at the end of the report shows the total Outstanding Balance and Amount to Pay for all propertiescompanies.


ClosedReport Details - Check Run Proof Detail by Bank

This report shows all check runs for the selected banks. This report is sorted first by bank, then by vendor, and then by invoice. The report is formatted with a page break between banks.


The name of the bank.


The vendor ID and name.


The invoice number for the invoice shown in the line.

Invoice Date

The date for the invoice.

Due Date

The due date for the invoice.


The expense code for the invoice.


The PropertyCompany ID for the propertycompany shown.


The purchase order ID for the invoice.

Check Run ID

The ID of the check run shown in the report line.

Outstanding Balance

The total outstanding balance for the invoice.

Amount to Pay

The total amount to pay for the invoice.


The status for the invoice (Selected or Validated).

Revised Amount

This space is provided for you to write in the revised amount to pay for the invoice.


Check Total

For each vendor, the report shows the total Outstanding Balance and Amount to Pay for the vendor's invoices by check.

Vendor Total

For each vendor, the report shows the total Outstanding Balance and Amount to Pay for all of the vendor's invoices.

Bank Total

For each bank, the report shows the total Outstanding Balance and Amount to Pay for all vendors.

Grand Total

This field at the end of the report shows the total Outstanding Balance and Amount to Pay for all banks.


ClosedReport Details - Check Run Proof Detail by Check Run ID

This report shows all items for a specific check run. This report is sorted first by bank, then by vendor, and then by invoice. The report is formatted with a page break between banks.

Check Run ID

The ID of the check run selected for the report.

Check Run Total

The total amount of invoices for the reported check run.

Check Run Status

The status for the reported check run (Selected or Validated).

Pay Through Date

The farthest future date in the check run.


The name of the bank.


The vendor ID and name.


The invoice number for the invoice shown in the line.

Invoice Date

The date for the invoice.

Due Date

The due date for the invoice.


The PropertyCompany ID and name for the propertycompany shown.


The expense code for the invoice.


The purchase order ID for the invoice.

Outstanding Balance

The total outstanding balance for the invoice.

Amount to Pay

The total amount to pay for the invoice.

Revised Amount

This space is provided for you to write in the revised amount to pay for the invoice.  


Check Total

For each vendor, the report shows the total Outstanding Balance and Amount to Pay for the vendor's invoices by check.

Vendor Total

For each vendor, the report shows the total Outstanding Balance and Amount to Pay for all of the vendor's invoices.

Bank Total

For each bank, the report shows the total Outstanding Balance and Amount to Pay for all vendors.

Grand Total

This field at the end of the report shows the total Outstanding Balance and Amount to Pay for all banks.


ClosedTo Print the Check Run Proof Report

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Accounts Payable Check Processing—Check Run Proof.
  2. In the Report Type section, select the version of the report you want to run (Summary, Detail by PropertyCompany, Detail by Bank, or Detail by Check Run ID).
  3. If the report type is Detail By Bank, click Select Banks, select the banks for which you want to print the report, and click Save. Or, for all other report types, click Select PropertiesCompanies, select the propertiescompanies for which you want to print the report, and click Save.
  4. If the report type is Detail by Check Run ID, the Check Run ID field is available. Type the check run ID for which you want to view the report, or use the Lookup icon to select a check run ID.
  5. Select one of the following report printing options:
  6. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.


See Also

Check Runs Grid