Change Item Cost and Price

Make the following menu selections to display this page:

Inventory—Special—Utilities—Change Item Cost and Price

Use this page to change the Inventory Item unit cost and price for the Item Master and/or the Warehouse Items for selected Warehouses.

There are two types of adjustments you can make to item cost and price.

Manual Adjustments

Use the Manual adjustments option for correcting one Item Master and/or Warehouse Item at a time. When you enter or look up an item, then current Item Master cost and price are retrieved by the system and appear in the form. You can then change either one or both.

Even when you are updating Warehouse Items, the cost and price come from the Item Master. When you click Process, the system updates the selected item for the Item Master and/or Warehouses that you choose.

Percentage Adjustments

Use the Percentage adjustments option to update a range of items based on their class by a percent of the amount of the item. When you do not specify a class range, then the system will update all items. When making a Percentage Adjustment, a report prints that shows all items that were adjusted and the cost and price of each item.

Fields List

Date / Update Panel

Make selections for the options in this section of the form.

Manual adjustments / Percentage adjustments Panel

Select an option. The fields that appear differ based on your selection.



Additional Information

See Also

Inventory Overview