Cash Group Codes Overview

Cash Group Codes are used to categorize GL Cash Accounts for reporting on the Adjusted Cash Balance report. The report shows the current balances for selected Cash accounts, the amount of the untransferred cash receipts from eSite for those accounts, and the combined total of both. Also, for untransferred cash transactions to be included on the report, the eSite Web Service must be set up.

A Cash Group Code consists of an ID and a text description. You can view, add, edit, and delete Cash Group Codes from the Cash Group Codes Grid.

Each GL Cash Account can be assigned a specific Cash Group Code on the GL Account Maintenance Tab.


Cash Group Codes can be assigned only for GL accounts with a Record Type of Detail and a Cash Flow Code of Cash.  

See Also

Cash Group Codes Grid

Cash Group Codes Tab

To Add a Cash Group Code

To Edit a Cash Group Code

To Delete a Cash Group Code

Adjusted Cash Balance Report

Account Maintenance Tab

Web Service Setup - eSite

Setup Questions GL Accounts


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