Bank Addr Tab

As part of Bank Accounts setup, use this tab to add or edit the street address for the location of the bank. In addition, add or edit contact information.


Bank Address

Enter the bank name and street address where the bank is located using up to three lines. For example:

National Bank
8900 Main Street

This name and address prints on checks and direct deposit advices.

Zip / City / State

Enter the zip code, city, and state in which the address for the bank is located.


Enter the country in which the address for the bank is located.


Title / First Name / M.I. / Last Name / Suffix

Enter the name of the contact at the bank. For example:

Mr. Gregory C. Fish Sr.


Enter the phone number for the contact, beginning with the area code.


Enter the facsimile phone number for the contact, beginning with the area code.


Enter the email address for the contact using a standard email format. For example,



Select this button when you want to stop without saving changes.


Select this button to save changes.

See Also

Ret. Addr Tab

Bank Accounts Tab

Setup Questions Address Tabs