Under the Grid - Search Tab and Check Run Tab

The following are controls, fields, or buttons that appear below the grid on the Search and Check Run tabs.

Pagination controls

Use pagination controls to go to another page of data for the check run.

Cash Balance

The display-only total of the cash in the bank account (or accounts) from which you will be drawing the cash.

Selected Amount

The display-only total of the items in the grid that you have selected for inclusion in the check run.  

Remaining Balance

The display-only remainder.  When you select invoices in the grid, the system adds the total for those invoices in the Selected field. As you select invoices for payment, the system adds the total for those invoices in the Cash Balances field. The Remaining is Cash Balances total minus the Selected total.  

Add To Check Run (Search tab button)

This button appears on the Search tab only. Click to add selected items to the list of invoices to be paid in the check run. Your selections display on the Check Run Tab.

Approve (Check Run tab button)

This button appears on the Check Run tab for certain users only when the Require Check Run Approval policy option selected. Otherwise, the Validate button appears.

Click the button to approve the check run.

Validate (Check Run tab button)

This button appears on the Check Run tab only.

Click the button to validate the check run.

If the system does not validate the check run, a message displays with an explanation of the issue. Modify your selections and click Validate again.

If the system validates the check run, a success message displays and the system updates the check run status to Validated. Click OK to acknowledge the message. The Print Checks tab displays.

Confirm Delete (Check Run grid button)

This button appears on the Check Run grid, but only when in the process of deleting a check run. Refer to To Delete a Check Run procedure for details.


Add/Edit Check Runs