Work Complete Account #

The Work Complete Flag and the Work Complete # fields are set in Setup—GL Setup—GL Accounts.

Journal Entry

In Journal Entry, the GL account switches to the Work Complete account number if the Job on the line is closed and the Asset or Liability account has the Work Complete Flag selected. If the Job on the line is open, the system switches to the Asset or Liability account that corresponds to the Work Complete Account if an Expense or Income account is entered.  

Purchase Order and Invoice Entry

In Purchase Order and Invoice Entry, the system finds the GL Account that corresponds to the default GL Account/Entity for the Expense Code and then uses the Work Complete account for that, and then maps it back to the Expense Code that corresponds to that GL Account.

If there are multiple Expense Codes that map to the same GL Account/Entity, then the system uses the first one found, in Expense Code order.  


Setup GL Accounts